
Sounds like a potential automotive eutopia, if you will.


Does anyone know if this will be on Playstation Now? Microsoft seems to be pushing a lot of their major releases onto Game Pass (e.g., Forza Horizon 5) so was wondering if Sony is going to go the same route?

Incredibly unprofessional comment. You seriously made a suicide joke? Grow up and do better. Pathetic.

My kid keeps asking me when we’re getting back to this one - I keep telling him once there is a save feature.

Please note that it has been widely known that the Mach 1 would replace the Bullitt for months - this isn’t new news and the framing of your article, which suggests the Bullitt may have been killed off for slow sales, is misleading. Also, as you note, this special edition has been highly regarded by even Jalopnik, so

How can you even call Asphalt 9 a racing game? Auto-controlled everything - that isn’t even racing!!! The reviews have been very critical of it. Gems from years ago, like Real Racing 3, still exist and have better game play in every way.

As per HammerheadFistpunch’s comments below - it feels overhyped for what it will likely at most be - an above-average grand tourer. Also, the following thoughts have been running through my head, rightly or wrongly, logically or illogically: (i) Toyota hasn’t had a particularly good run recently of making exciting

I’m more excited about the arrival of the Genesis G70 with the manual than this. Probably in the minority on that, but for some reason I expect this to be a huge disappointment. 

Just seeing this now, but Vin Diesel has really let himself go lately...

I’ve got tons of work to do today, but I took the time to login and give you a star. Some things just can’t wait.

Any guesstimates on size?

They play basketball the right away - like the St. Louis Cardinals of the NBA.

Disagree. Not when process fans are claiming this season is proof the process worked, when the whole reason it was implemented was not to be a regular second-round exit. In other words, claiming the process has worked at this point is almost as silly as claiming it hasn’t - way too soon to tell.

Raptors fan here - I want the Warriors to destroy the Cavaliers in the finals (and yes, absolutely aware the Raps’ wounds were at least partially self-inflicted).


That wasn’t Chris, it was Cliff.

That looks so much like a half-baked kit car! Did they use a Fiero chassis as a mule?

I was really hoping his job was working for TheRinger.com

Anyone have a link that works in Canada? Would be much appreciated.