
My buddy’s old roommate used to date a guy who looked exactly like Lo Duca to the point where that became his nickname.

I came into this intrigued by what Lo Duca had to say, and I’m no fan of Country Joe, but they did their homework before suing him, and it sure sounds like he’s full of shit. That begs the question of why he made up something that could be easily verified? Attention? Stupid, if so. And now it’s gonna cost him.

They did surgery on a grape.

Username checks out. Nothing more on brand for a Baltimore fan than a senseless hatred of all things Washington sports related (except the Caps, maybe), and the need to insert that hatred into a story that is a lot more consequential than whatever weird complex fuels that pointless hate.

It’s because it was also a denial of a clear goal-scoring opportunity.

Darnold: Shh! Listen! I can hear the ghosts now too.

Right - the guy who along with Peyton Manning was instrumental in getting the rules changed in the first place to allow the QB to have the game ball that they use on offense inflated to the pressure they prefer (within a specified range) couldn’t tell the difference between over inflated and under inflated footballs.

Now playing

Meanwhile, I’d just like to remind people what it was like to have a GOAT who could genuinely laugh at himself:

But that would require him acknowledging that there is an incident in the first place. There is a new line of public affairs where you don’t deny that an event occurred or a thing was said. Instead, you disregard the possibility of that event or thing ever having the possibility of existing.

No shit. Magary’s take that he got fucked over is total weak sauce.

This is SOP for Brady and various other NFL luminaries. To question them, however politely you do so, is to attack them.

All he fucking had to do was say, no, It’s not related to Kraft, It was filmed before that whole Incident came up. Done. Instead he takes being asked a question as an opportunity to try to turn It Into an “unfair media” moment and a legion of asskissers don’t take a second to step back and think about It, but rush to

Brady’s case is exacerbated by the fact that he got genuinely fucked over by the NFL for deflating footballs.

I’d like to take this time to offer my condolences on the fact that you can no longer drink.

The amazingly boneheaded part of this is that nobody had written anything about Osuna’s domestic violence case for months. Any article someone had proposed about his domestic abuse would probably have been consigned to the dustbin by an editor.

He's actually standing in this picture. 

“Taubman, a former fantasy baseball expert and investment banker...”

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else