
TIL that Matt Barkley is still collecting NFL paycheques.

You’re correct, it’s a bad headline. There was nothing late about the hit, it was just an egregiously dirty one. 

It wasn’t a late it, it was flagged as “unnecessary roughness.”  Given that the receiver had a knee on the ground and a second defender in the process of touching him down, a full tackle to the head wasn’t necessary and was over the top physically. Hence, the flag. 

Leading candidate for next manager 

Unfortunately, people in Portland don’t get to just forget about politics, because their city is the constant site of battles between armed white nationalists and those opposing them. Hardcore soccer fan groups have a very long and very storied history around the world of involving political battles in their fandom,

Second rate? Oh, you sweet talker.

The last A being the problem. 

I don’t know how people can spout “you should support the president no matter what” with a straight face. That’s the kind of sentiment you’d expect to hear in... certain other countries. The freedom to openly disagree with the government is a pretty foundational principle over here!

Look, just because they openly support the policies and vote for a white supremacist who desperately wants to fuck his daughter doesn’t mean that their computer hard drive is chock full of Nazi “faux”cest cosplay porn.

Wait, wait... Who are these people out there saying Geoff’s a good footballer?

they’re the ones always alleging persecution, being censored, having their way of life taken away from them by liberals, minorities, immigrants, college professors, secondary school teachers, a 16 year old female environmentalist, “socialists,”communists,” other “ists” etc. Victimology is at the center of modern

how could anyone support a President who put Dijon mustard on a burger, rose a tan suit, took off his jacket in the Oval Office, played basketball and used a selfie stick? The horror! Now, treason, that’s perfectly acceptable. 

Thanks! I shall proudly wear my MAGA gear where I please.

“I still get tweets that say, ‘Geoff’s a good footballer but I hate his politics.’ It hurt me at the beginning, because I was like, ‘This is what people think of me?’ But then I got to the point where I was like: ‘You know what? Screw it.’ These people don’t really know me.”

He voluntarily signed for QPR, so that’s highly questionable!

Meanwhile, MUSMNTGA hats aren’t exactly flying off the shelves...

“I believe it’s important to support our President whether he was your candidate or not,” Cameron told SI.com’s Grant Wahl.“

Ideally all the owners would be guillotined, with the possible exception of packers' ownership, so I don't think that's quite right.

I think even Satan thought it was a bit much

Is there a single person out there that is surprised that Belichick wanted to keep Brown? Even one?