Their children will be hearing the story of how Mommy fell in love with Daddy.
Disappointed Brienne didn’t show up to save Tormund. His reaction to Karstark getting his head cut off by her would have been priceless.
I didn’t say she was pregnant, I don’t think she is. I’m just saying kind of like how pregnant women wear certain clothes (dark colors) to not show as much, it is certainly possible. No reason to think I’m trying to insult women.
She’s been away from Ramsay long enough. She should be showing. Of course it’d be hard to tell with that fur coat.
Someone should tell Adidas the kids in Africa probably don’t have Twitter.
“Are we cool now?”
I have 2 weeks left of being 27. I might just not leave the house that whole time.
That’s horrible. I can’t even imagine the effect that would have on the daughter.
I had a friend who died very similarly, pinned between his car and a fence post. Unfortunately they didn’t find him until 6 hours later since it was middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. Just depresses me just having to relive that.
It has to with him because “hybrid warfare” is basically terrorism. Trump wants to ban Muslims from the country because of radical Islamic terrorists. Do you think he’s going to take the same stance with Russians? Doubtful.
Orlando fan/native?
They were playing for the first 48'? I couldn’t tell.
Really not that far-fetched of a concept. Before today I didn’t realize Ivanka and Chelsea were friends. I could only imagine what that baby would look like.
If you read the entire book of Deuteronomy, it’s all shit like this. I read it when I need a refresher on why I am an atheist.
This would fit right in with the Deuteronomy book though...
This is such a grizzly situation.
Here is some money, now don’t bring up the fact that we are actually the guilty ones.
I’ve seen Zoe play a green woman and a blue woman. Playing a black woman should be no problem.