
I would have donated to that fund.

Its pretty hard to prevent a collapse when everything has already collapsed. Good on them though!

That’s it! You have to let me know the next time there is an opening. I will move across the country to work where you work.

I wish I had a co-worker like you. Also freezing them is a must. If I had more room in my freezer I’d buy more. They’re actually the only ones I do like.

I have never seen a smoker hold a cigarette like that in real life.

I think Ross is hilarious. I watched Billy on the Street for 5 min, did not laugh, and have never watched it again.

I never even thought about the different ethnicities on the boxes, good on them. Yeah, I did boy scouts and it was a complete waste of time. Doesn’t selling cookies teach some valuable lessons things like business skills, responsibility, etc.? Every time I see them with a table set up I think how I would have been way

ehh, I know you can buy the same cookies at a grocery store. There’s just something about buying girl scout cookies, I don’t know why, but they just taste better. Also it feels good to put a smile on those girls’ faces when you say “Yes, I would like 10 boxes of Thin Mints.”

But then we don’t get cookies in return! I’d donate to Trump if he gave me cookies.

Don’t they understand they need a certain weight to trip the drive-thru sensor? Oh wait.

Darren Rovell, only for the fact that he doesn’t know when to use “an” vs “a".

Agreed, what if I get separated from my friends? What if there is a family emergency and someone needs to get ahold of me?

I’m okay that we lost...

As someone who has been the giver and receiver of obnoxious criticism. I can testify that a calm and collected response is the best response. A professional response will upset the critic much more than any kind of insult.

Yes, yes, yes!!! I was just going to tell them to “fuck off” or “don’t be that guy”. You did it better. If 10 murders is bad, does that make 1 murder better? No, just accept that they are all tragedies.

Is it too late to add her as a nominee for the “Best Sports Baby” award?

Haha, if you’re proud of her, listen to. She had to raise me because my single mom was busy getting 3 masters degrees. The last one completed when she was in her 60's. So I was exposed to what women are capable of.

Same with my sister. Valedictorian, and currently a surgeon, but didn’t have high school standards of “hot”. It’s easy to speak up with my size and best friend who was 6' 10". Still, I know how most guys are. That’s why I’ve always had more female than male friends.

That confused me as well. I won’t go into too many details, but I was asked to testify as a character witness that I had seen the Plaintiff heavily intoxicated on numerous occasions, and describe what he behaved like while intoxicated.