
I it the “Odell 2.0"

I just smile every time I think of her clown horn impression.

Excuse me while I vomit.

Have you heard the joke about the pizza? You probably wouldn’t like it. It’s pretty cheesy.

I had to look up what a lamprey was. It sounds absolutely disgusting.

But he’s Canadian. I thought you would worship him in light of ‘10 Olympics.

Agreed. I thought it was going to be a lot more exciting. The preview was very misleading.

Can we just address Grey Worm’s smile at Missandei? My heart melted.

Something is wrong when I (a 6ft 200 lb guy who can definitely defend himself) can get drunk in public place, but a woman cant.

He’s the father of a man! Was he on Teen Mom and I missed it!

Oh I know! When I hear “settled out of court” I know it means “admitted guilt out of court.

Bubbles! Holy shit thank you!

I completely agree. I’ve always thought they were both a little “off”. Honestly a lot of couples thrive when they don’t have to see a lot of each other. I feel any relationship (siblings, friends, couples) are going to struggle when they are around each other too much. “Space” can be a good thing.

Before we go any further. I have been advocating for not labeling Depp as guilty until more concrete evidence is released. Condemning him based on “he said/she said” is no better than accusing every Muslim as a terrorist or every man of being a rapist. I just get suspicious when someone pleads the fifth.

If someone has the inclination that they might say something that could hurt their case then obviously they have something they’re guilty of.

Sure he wasn’t scoring, but he single-handedly created so many great opportunities.

When does pleading the fifth not look bad? If I was on a jury and the defendant did that I would instantly think he was guilty.

Im just gonna go back on what I said. I was pretty tanked for the game and I think I was trying to reply to someone else.

Passing the Cup to Daley, Dupuis, and Fleury definitely showed class. The Sharks fans that stuck around to loudly boo Crosby did not.

You aren’t Barry, get out of here