
I made the mistake of posting in the Gawker comments. Don’t think I’ve ever regretted anything so much.

You’re just starting to wonder? I’ve been pretty confident that he is for about 10 months.

I never thought nutsacks would play as big a part in the playoffs as they have. It’s fucking ridiculous.

This makes things easier. My favorite shows over last several years.

What genres do you enjoy?

If someone hasn’t invented fingernail polish that changes with your mood, they need to get on it. Oh, and I love your hair.

I’m a straight male, but I have a friend who has eyes like that as well as being a hockey player. Hard to say I’m jealous, but I really really really am.

Low hanging fruit, but executed to perfection.

If it was her ex then what could she possibly of done him that warrants killing her? If it some random guy then same question.

For me it’s a close race between them and Dax Shepard/Kristen Bell.

“Ms. Frizzle and students explore the exotic waters of Rio.”

I’m just wincing imagining the amount of floor burn he got. It’s entirely possible after the tackle that his message reads “ump ucks"

Pat Riley did it, I fucking know it.

He did

Hopefully he can noc-turn-al his career around.

Thank you for that, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that hard at an article.

gangrenous gaping wound Donald Trump

Agreed, reading Morning Spoilers on io9 and Barry’s hockey takes here are my favorite things to wake up to.

I’m still fairly new to the Jezebel section of Gawker Media but you have impressed me immensely and I sincerely hope you stay around to continue to attract new readers that will also be impressed. My only regret is not becoming a reader earlier.

No matter what happens I just want to say thank you to all the Deadspin staff. I started reading your articles about 5 years ago. Before that I barely paid attention to sports news, because I thought they were all like ESPN or SI. You guys helped me to develop a greater love for sports by showing them in a more