Dr. Waffle

Over the last couple days, I've learned that right-wingers learn history exclusively from statues and memorials. Which explains a lot, honestly.


Sorry haha I'm ornery this morning.

You are objectively stupid.

"Take My Breath Away" is an objectively great song.

Actually, Nazis and white supremacists deserve to get the shit kicked out of them.

You, in 1865: "Lincoln's the REAL TYRANT when you think about it."

Fuck you, Nazi scum.

Fuck this guy and anyone who voted for him. And fuck anyone who decided to vote for a third-party candidate in a swing state. Hope you selfish, preening fuckwads are happy.

Right-wingers: "The GOP is the party of Lincoln."

This is gonna be good.

All Confederate statues and memorials should be destroyed. It should be illegal to fly Confederate and/or Nazi flags. White supremacist and alt-right groups should be classified as terrorist organizations, and prosecuted as such.

Jesus Christ, that is a hot take.



Yeah, I'm not sure why DD S2 has gotten so much shit. As you said, the second half is not as good as the first, but it's not *that* big of a drop-off. And certainly not deserving of the shitty grades Oliver Sava was giving individual episodes towards the end.

It'd be cool if Dr. Strange showed up at some point and cured Elektra or something. It would be a nice shout out to the original Defenders team, and would tie together some of the MCU's more mystical elements.

"Ohhh I dunno if we're gonna be able to pay the bills this month. Let's go out tonight and yell Nazi slogans!"

"So much for the tolerant left," they said, as they signed the surrender documents.

I've been arguing all morning with people who think "SJWs" are responsible for what happened last night. Apparently white supremacy wasn't a thing until Tumblr came along or something.