Dr. Waffle

It's all just a huge coinkydink that members of Trump's inner circle had numerous undisclosed contacts with people connected with the Russian government! Totally normal and not at all suspicious!

Imagine being a grown-up who defends Donald Trump.

Except leftists and liberals, by and large, don't really have problems in those areas. The Democratic Party does not campaign or govern on denying the existence of, say, climate change. Nor does it promote discrimination against racial or ethnic minorities.

Yes, my crude characterization of the Republican Party is not backed up by reality. It's not as though the Justice Department recently argued that it's perfectly fine if employers fire people because of their sexual orientation (https://www.economist.com/b…, nor is it true that the GOP has a long and sordid history of

My dude: you're really not familiar with what the Republican Party and its supporters believe, huh?

It seems like you're having a very productive conversation with yourself. I'll leave you to it.

"I see can you now."

"So much for the TOLERANT LEFT."

Also gun nuts and 9/11 Truthers (the few that remain, anyway).

Yeah, it's funny how trolls like Mrowley like to play the "have you ACTUALLY read the memo" card, when they themselves have not actually read the fucking memo.

I almost have more respect for the openly bigoted than I do mealy-mouthed cowards like James Damore and, more famously, Charles Murray. At least the former own their bullshit. The latter hide behind "science" in order to muddy the waters and give their rancid opinions a veneer of respectability.

Yeah, I disagree with rhetoric that sounds an awful lot like a George Wallace speech from 1964.

God, you're so fucking dumb.

"But it's SCIENCE that tells us that lady brains aren't as good as man brains."

Lol This is so easy:

Right-wingers: "Why is the left opposed to free speech in the workplace?"

We're not so much "watching a picture" as we are "looking at it once." But nice try!

You monster. I was just informed on another thread that superhero movies are HARMFUL TO THE REPUBLIC.

Mortal Kombat Memories:

Random Reading Highlight: I've been making my way through a horror anthology (The Weird, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer), and I found this gem of a passage from Michael Shea's "The Autopsy":