Dr. Waffle

Duh libtards, this is all totally normal! Campaign managers are frequently the targets of FBI raids! National Security Advisors are supposed to work for governments other than their own! It's tradition for the sons of presidential hopefuls to meet with representatives of a foreign adversary!

Mr. Fantastic - George Clooney or Billy Crudup
Invisible Woman - Charlize Theron

You mean the guy from "Charmed" wasn't an ideal choice to play Marvel's greatest villain?

If Trump had even half a brain, he'd just leave shit alone. Stop tweeting. Stop talking shit about your own employees. Stop talking shit about Mueller and the media and Hillary and the Democrats. But he literally can't help himself. He has to inject himself into every single situation. It's remarkable.

I prefer to be called a Social Justice Mercenary, TYVM.

The Party of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY never seems to get around to, well, taking personal responsibility for all its various fuckups.

Bloodborne - God, I love this game. I'm playing through the DLC right now, getting my ass handed to me by the giant shark bros in the Fishing Hamlet. Somehow I find this enjoyable.

The two scenes per season are really derailing the show!

1.) Teddy's overrated. He was responsible for some good things, no doubt, but nothing on the scale of the CRA, the VRA, or the Great Society.

LBJ: second only to FDR in terms of progressive achievements at home (in the 20th century, anyway), worse than Dubya abroad.

There was a similar reaction to the ending of "The Witch." It was kind of cool, because it allowed me gauge how many idiots were in attendance.

Also, you realize that there are more representative democracies in existence today than at any other time in human history? And that this is also probably the most peaceful era in human history, relatively speaking?

So you concede that monarchy did not in fact make for particularly stable or peaceful societies?

Minus all the wars and famines and oppression, monarchical rule was fucking great!

HAHAHAHA omfg you're so bad at this. Someone's never heard of the Thirty Years War!

Monarchy masks social decay with tradition. Every dynastic war since the beginning of civilization has been awful blood-letting for the sake of the elite. In its most regressive form, monarchy leads to despotism, which killed 100,000,000+ people over the course of human history.

Good thing they preserved the knowledge of those deviant, pagan Romans. Right?

Yeah, they probably would disapprove of flush toliets and not burning women at the stake.

You know you're bad at arguing when all your comebacks are either "LOGICAL FALLACY" or "HA STUPID MEME."