Dr. Waffle

I'm really glad they decided to preserve the cultural productions of those Greco-Roman pagan sodomites.


Nah, I'm suggesting that your hero is an admitted sex offender.

You think we're having an argument? I only have arguments with people who aren't living in 1 AD.

God isn't real.

Go jack off to the Bible

Deranged weirdos in charge of the military is not something that makes the military stronger.

Nah, just losers like yourself.

You're gonna die alone

Also: go fuck yourself, troglodyte.

*extreme Paul Mooney voice* "Donald Trump makes Hillary Clinton look like Mother Teresa."

Amazing, people defending the idea of a grossly incompetent, admitted sex offender president.

There is no middle ground here. You either support a bigot and his discriminatory policies, or you don't.

Fuck it, give us Moustache Superman.

Fun Superman mustache fact: When they were getting ready to film the first movie, Gene Hackman had a mustache that he was quite attached to. Richard Donner told him that he would shave off his own mustache if Hackman would do it, too. Hackman allowed the make-up man to shave him……then Donner peeled off the fake

Sure. But I think superhero fatigue isn't just limited to movies; it extends to TV and streaming services as well. It's not a 1:1 comparison, but it isn't that far off either.

I guess it's a matter of one's definition of "bleak." Maybe "dread-filled" would have been a better descriptor.

I've checked and double-checked, and I don't see where I wrote that it's entirely devoid of humor. And yes, it opens with a joke . . . and then transitions to multiple scenes of destruction, characters in various states of distress and disbelief, Peter Parker looking seriously injured, and Thanos calling down meteors

The first. Overall, it looks like it might be pretty good.

I've actually read criticisms of Ant-Man's inclusion. To which I say: did it detract in any way from the movie? No? Then who gives a shit? Paul Rudd is hilarious, and he makes pretty much anything he's in that much better.