Dr. Waffle

*Luke bursts through wall*


Yeah, they certainly could've been portrayed better. They've seldom felt like a real threat in any of the shows they've been featured in, with the exception of Nobu in Daredevil's first season.

Where did I say I didn't care? I wouldn't be having this conversation if I didn't. Again: I'm not entirely sure why you're watching something you were predisposed to dislike. Seems kind of silly.

Hey bud, whatever you say. I don't get the need to watch things you don't like. But you do you.

Nah. I'm just not a fan of bad Armond White impressions.

Yeah, you are pretty sad.

"Jessica Jones' haircut is so stupid. I'm done!"

You know, no one's making you watch these shows.

You'll be happy to hear that each one of the main characters actually has their own show!

I'm happy for you.

Nah. They're fine. I prefer a slow burn to what, say, GoT is doing this season, i.e. rushing from one plot point to the next.

I mean, they exist in a universe in which the Norse gods are real and aliens have already tried conquering New York. I think an ancient ninja clan is pretty grounded in comparison.

My grade: B

Exactly. This is what happens when people are constantly on the lookout for the show or movie that will "burst the superhero bubble." They've become incapable of judging individual works on their own merits.


The Marvel shows get a lot of flack for their pacing issues, but I honestly believe most Netflix series suffer from the same problem. Like, even "Stranger Things" started to fall apart towards the end.

The supporting cast is what keeps the show from being a total failure. If only they'd cast someone other than Finn Jones (Steven Yeun? Garrett Hedlund?) for the leading role.

Yeah, I had the same reaction. It's not great, but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen either.

"The Democrats are the Real Racists!"