Dr. Waffle

Is that the same Obama who just donated $2 million?

Did you? Besides reading the Intercept and voting for Jill Stein, i.e. nothing?

No, clearly Hillary lost because she didn't campaign in Wisconsin* enough.
*Even though Wisconsin's electoral votes would not have put her over the top.

He was too busy raping women.

Lol This is so fucking stupid I don't even know where to begin. If the DNC is "nakedly corrupt" and "elitist," what does that make Donald Trump? Dude lives in a gold skyscraper and is openly corrupt. Yet, all those noble white dudes you care so much about didn't give two shits about that.

Actually, it was pretty good.

They already made that movie. It's called "Captain America: Civil War."

Ridley Scott can direct whatever he likes, but I'm growing weary of the Harold Bloom-esque criticisms of superhero movies/comic books/genre fiction emanating from those who aren't as smart as they think they are (I'm looking at you, A.O. Scott). SPOILER: the dividing line between "high" and "low" art blurs over time

I enjoyed this. Many of the criticisms I've read didn't really resonate with me while watching the movie. Forrest Whitaker was fine, and the Tarkin stuff wasn't *that* disconcerting. I do, however, agree that the first 1/3 of the movie is pretty disjointed and oddly paced. Despite being over 2 hours long, it could

Maybe Marvel movies are actually decent? And worth discussing, since they're a cultural phenomenon? And I'm not seeing a link between the rise of Trump and the popularity of Marvel movies. Especially since the MCU took off during the Obama years.

Man, you're gonna be real upset when you find out that the line between high and low art has been blurred and irrelevant for quite some time now.

Hey! I went to college with a couple of these guys! They're excellent musicians.

Kinda wish they'd cast her as Clea instead.

Oh shut up, you fucking troglodyte.

Clive Owen might be a good fit for the role.

My wife is dead, so . . .

Usually ppl just ignore me tho when I do that.

But who was show???


Yeah, she cut short the show I attended, much to the disappointment/anger of the audience. I chalked it up to a case of the weirds (which is totally okay, honestly; she didn't pull a Ryan Adams or anything like that).