Dr. Waffle

She said "Hey" to me in passing before a show. I'm still smitten.

Okay, okay, you're right. Although I don't think "at least he's better than Dean Cain" is especially encouraging.


Pretty terrible, I'm guessing.

Dean Cain is a better Superman than Henry Cavill.

On a semi-related note: perhaps the DCCU's biggest crime thus far (besides giving Zack Snyder more job opportunities) is the waste of the acting talent its had at its disposal. Margot Robbie, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Will Smith, Jesse Eisenberg, Kevin Costner, Russell Crowe, Diane Lane, Michael Shannon, Viola Davis,

Meh, it's been done.

I'd pay money to see someone say this to Trump in person:

I did read them. An authoritarian loon potentially having access to nuclear weapons > DePaul banning Ben Shapiro from campus.

I hope you were equally upset when the right-wing PC police harassed Ward Churchill, or when Steve Salaita was fired because he exercised his First Amendment rights.

P.S. Maybe Ben Shapiro's been banned from DePaul because he's a twat.

Yes, a presidential candidate, who is running for the highest office in the land *right now*, is far less dangerous than your imaginary PC hordes who are never actually going to materialize. That totally makes sense.

Weird, I didn't realize that the University of Houston = the entirety of the United States.
Are you paid to piss your pants over inconsequential issues? They need to pay you more, because you're a champion pants-pisser.

I checked, and double-checked, and I can confirm the PC police don't actually exist and haven't taken over anything. Except in your imagination, of course.

I do understand what's going on in this country. I understand that an authoritarian/Putin wannabe is running for president and attracting hordes of mouth-breathing morons like yourself. I consider that a greater threat to democracy then some campus protests that happened almost a year ago.

I hope these college students assume power some day and send you to a gulag, where you'll be forced to eat quinoa and read post-colonial literature all day.



Whoooa those random, powerless college kids are ruining America (a year ago)!

Man, these imaginary people sound terrible!