Dr. Waffle

*cites omitted*

Ah, pseudo-intellectuals. Almost as shallow and annoying as fan boys.

Lol No, it doesn't.


Agreed . . . if you've never seen a movie before.

Can't wait for the "DC movies actually better than Marvel movies" hot takes!

Marvel needs to show these motherfuckers how it's done and make a Thunderbolts movie. Also, someone needs to sit Zack Snyder and his DCU compatriots down and make them watch CA: Civil War, "Clockwork Orange"-style. The Russo brothers struck the perfect balance between seriousness and levity, all the while staying true

Hmmm maybe doubling down on the grimdark wasn't such a great idea . . .

0 for 3, Warner Bros! Good work!

Go fuck yourself, you stupid fucking mouth-breathing shithead.

Lol You too, commie.

I can't wait for the election to be over, so all you brogressives can go back to caring about craft beers and shitty indie music.

Lol How about the AUMF and Crime Bill supporting Bernie?

I keep forgetting that the only true liberal who's ever lived is St. Bernard, despite his support for the '94 Crime Bill, his opposition to immigration reform, and his defense of the gun industry.

Fun facts:

You're right. Hillary's definitely a conservative, despite all the evidence. You just *know* it's true, because IRAQHONDURASBENGHAZIVINCEFOSTER.

Joe Biden and John Kerry supported the war, too. Are they "neoliberal" sellouts?

HRC is liberal by any reasonable measure.

I don't see how that invalidates my point.

Yeah, but don't you know there's not a dime's worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans? Clearly a McCain or Romney administration would have fought for health care reform, negotiated an arms deal with Iran and a climate treaty with much of the rest of the world, established the Consumer Financial