Dr. Waffle

Right, which is why there have been so many drone strikes in countries where terror suspects could feasibly be arrested and/or extradited.

" U.S. citizens among them"


This was very Clickhole-y.

Goddammit I'm so excited to see this.

Weird, I checked and there appears to be eight of them on the album.

Michael Clarke Duncan would have been perfect.

Zeke Stane.


Iron Man 2 certainly isn't great or essential, but it's not *that* bad. Same for Thor 2.

I dunno, I think she's done a fine job. She certainly has great chemistry with RDJ.


Slimer (from Ghostbusters) - Ted Cruz

Dr. Doom - Viggo Mortensen

My ideal Fantastic Four casting, circa 2005:

Seconded. The only misstep I can think of is Mickey Rourke as Whiplash.

Carrot Top

Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins. His performance was the best part of an otherwise horrid trilogy.

Don't worry, asshole: 98% of all other action movies still have male leads. Your self-esteem shouldn't be *that* threatened (other than for the usual reasons, i.e. your small penis and rat-like visage).

Darth Vader: white guy. Emperor Palpatine: white guy. Grand Moff Tarkin: white guy.