Dr. Waffle


Yep, I'm sure college players look really engaged during random conference games in the middle of January.

Steph Curry is more exciting than the entire MLB. And he's just one player!

Yeah, God forbid there's a sport where something's always happening.



I watched "The Passion of Joan of Arc." It's quite possibly the greatest movie I've ever seen.

This is one of the craziest comments I've read in quite some time.


Is it just me, or has "The Daily Show" supplanted SNL as a comedy talent factory?Colbert, Carrell, Oliver, Bee, Helms, Corddry, Schaal, etc. And Olivia Munn! (jk)

You first. You have a point other than "black people should stop complaining because it might hurt some actors' feelings"?

Lol I'm glad there's someone sticking up for the poor, white actors and actresses out there, even if many of them probably agree with the criticism that's been levied against the Academy. George Clooney is undoubtedly grateful.

Those poor nominees. What they're going through is almost as bad as being excluded entirely, or being given fewer opportunities to produce or act because of their skin color.

They already do. It's called the Republican Party.

Being a subhuman troglodyte is all you're good for.

I'd rather be a Marxist than Nazi trash. The former kicked the latter's ass the last time around.

Hey, what a surprise, meth head neo-Nazis are terrible at math!

Because they're stupid.

You really going to cry for the Academy? Get a grip on reality.

Dumb white trash is dumb.