Dr. Waffle

Oh, shove it up your disingenuous ass.

LOL I'd like to know how this article pertains to "self-development."

One hates women like this, the other one hates women like that. We need to recognize and respect those subtleties.

Your concern has been noted.

MRAs banging their moms.

Being a virgin doesn't make one a loser. Being a reactionary troglodyte certainly does, though. So you're good.

They're already doing that. No one else is willing to fuck them.

Please, tell us more about the subtle differences between soft little losers who call themselves PUAs and soft little losers who call themselves MRAs.

In light of this article, I'm renaming it Poe Dameron's Law.

It's amazing how many of these MRA types think they're the heirs to Western Civilization and all things manly. Beating "Skyrim" and working at a tech company doesn't make you Teddy Roosevelt.

Morons, mostly, with a heavy contingent of mouth-breathers.

Lol I'm sure you're watching Bela Tarr movies in your free time, unlike the dirty hoi polloi.

Seriously. Logic and consistency are sorely lacking in that crowd.

Is it weird that whenever I think of MRAs/neo-reactionaries, I picture Grima Wormtongue?

Wakandans don't mess around.

I can't wait for all the forced expository dialogue and incomprehensible action scenes!

Nope. If, like Nolan, you pride yourself on your intricate plots, you damn better well make sure that they hold up when given the slightest bit of examination.

You're trying to rationalize and explain away bad writing and plot holes. The sad thing is that pretty every single Nolan film suffers form the same sort of "intricate" plotting that falls apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny.

Lol Cherry-picked? They're the leads of three of his most popular movies. And Cobb is a perfect example. The most interesting thing about him is his dead wife, and that's about it.