I don't disagree. Most action movies are pretty ridiculous and nonsensical, plot-wise. I just think it's especially galling with Nolan because he thinks he's clever.
I don't disagree. Most action movies are pretty ridiculous and nonsensical, plot-wise. I just think it's especially galling with Nolan because he thinks he's clever.
I agree that he has a distinct visual style. I just wish he would stop confusing intricacy with compelling cinema.
Ugh the TDKR prologue doesn't even make sense, once you start to think about it. Why would the CIA allow masked dudes on their plane without first checking out their identities? Bane's whole elaborate plan would have instantly fallen apart if Littlefinger actually did his job.
The "only concrete part" of his plan isn't so concrete. I'll let the crew at Cracked sum up its ridiculousness:
Uh, you realize that those All-Time Greatest lists are entirely arbitrary and subjective, right?
I, too, miss the days when geniuses like Anthony Lane, Joe Morgenstern, and Gene Shalit had a monopoly on film criticism.
Okay, I'll give you "Raiders of the Lost Ark." That's it, though.
I'd hesitate to say his films are even that interesting. He's basically M. Night Shyamalan, but with a better instinct for aesthetics.
Who can forget those three-dimensional characters like Cobb, Bruce Wayne, and Alfred Borden? Such depth, such emotion. And they're not at all portrayed as brooding ciphers whose character arcs go absolutely nowhere.
Yes, clearly "The Dark Knight" is a shining example of tight plotting and character development. For instance. the Joker's scheme to bring down Batman and Gotham makes total sense and is not at all reliant on impossible-to-foresee coincidences.
Yeah, that would work as well.
Really good movie . . . but not better than "Pulp Fiction."
I dunno. The thing is, I can't think of many high points. He's not a bad director; he's just a rather inessential and unmemorable one.
Cool. I'm glad he found five minutes in his entire oeuvre to depict characters having actual emotions.
True. Still, I demand a full movie devoted to the Hulk fighting various space monsters in a gladiatorial setting. It's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted.
"Pulp Fiction" and "Inglorious Basterds" are better than anything Spielberg's ever directed.
Ugh Malick should have stayed reclusive.
Yeah, I don't get the negative reactions towards the costume either. It looks pretty Dr. Strange-y to me. I'm not sure what else people were expecting.
Except Black Panther. Dude always looks like he's ready to throw down.
Some day we'll get a movie that does the Battle of Stalingrad justice.