Dr. Waffle

I don't think he's a terrible director by any means, and I've enjoyed most of his movies. But they're all deeply flawed, in one way or another. For instance: "The Dark Knight," which is considered one of his best efforts, would have been an absolute slog without Heath Ledger's performance. The plot is borderline

Yeah, good point. Still, "Memento" is kind of the exception. All of his other films rely far too heavily on plot contrivances, and spend almost no time on character development.

Dr. Strange should team up with Thor to fight Surtur in "Ragnarok," and Bruce Banner should be sent into space so the world can get the "Planet Hulk" movie it desperately needs. Then just have the Guardians pick him up in the post-credits scene and bingo bango, you have a triumphant/badass return in place for

The twist: James McAvoy's character is actually dead.

Harold Alexander

"He's the general England deserves, but not the one it needs right now."

Nah, "the" is the most overrated, along with "a" and "is."

I mean, it's true though. Has there ever been a genuine human interaction depicted in any of his movies? I usually don't mind cold and clinical (Kubrick, FTW!), but Jesus Christ, the vast majority of his characters function as little more than exposition machines. And don't get me started on his inability to direct a

Yeah, but he honestly doesn't have that many film credits to his name. I think it's the Tumblr effect more than anything else.

That honor belongs to Steven Spielberg.

Christopher Nolan is the most overrated director of the last decade or so.

Three thoughts:

Sure, I agree. They can, however, legislate and mediate their behavior on campus. And it's funny, because the initial letter sent by the administration didn't forbid wearing offensive costumes; it merely suggested that students be mindful of their peers. I'm not quite sure how that qualifies as a violation of free

Again: Yale is a private university. If the administration required that all their students wear dress clothes, then that's a rule they'd have to abide by in order to stay enrolled. The First Amendment, like all other amendments, is not unlimited, and does not immunize one from criticism or censure, or guarantee a

Well, as a private institution they do have a right to ask him to stop and remove him from campus. Students have been suspended and expelled for a lot less.

No worries. The Halloween email incident was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. To have someone in authority contradict the administration and argue that encouraging students to refrain from offensive behavior is tantamount to suppressing free speech was pretty galling, especially in light of those

No, Yale is a place of learning. I'm not quite sure why asking rich, frat assholes to refrain from wearing black face is out of line for one of the most prestigious universities in the world. That's not "coddling"; it's maintaining (and repairing) a reputation, and creating an atmosphere that's welcoming to a diverse

Uh, you wrote that college kids should focus on "these issues," and posted a link about a lack of tolerance on college campuses. Perhaps you should frame your arguments with a little more clarity if you don't want to be misinterpreted.

A convincing rebuttal. Then again, I am arguing with someone who thinks dressing up in black face is no big deal, and that minority students are stupid and whiney for thinking otherwise. Now run back to your Klan meeting, little boy.

That movie would have been so much better if Watanabe had been the lead and Cruise had played the villain.