
I’m thinking of trademarking “Fuck2017", so I’ll be ready when three elderly celebrities I haven’t thought of in years die of natural causes.

I believe the correct term is transitions.

I’d like to mention you omitted Jeet Heer, and how that relates to today’s Pepe meme culture (1/78)

Or this guy:

Stupid sexy Schwarzenegger.

Will this be the election most able to quickly declare a winner when polls start closing?

The Billy Simmons goat.

Don’t let your colleagues over at Jezebel know we’re ranking athletes based on physical attractiveness this afternoon, after cross posting their thoughts.

That’s a fair point, especially when you also consider the BOFA issue.

The cafeteria workers currently make $22, and Harvard offered them a raise to $24/hr which they declined. The workers are also unhappy that there are not the same cafeteria full staffing needs during summer break, which is to be expected in a university setting.

See also: BC in the ACC, who have lost every single conference football and basketball game including last season.

I’m still not watching because of Michael Sam. just wanted to mention that, that I don’t care about him at all.

I really wish Joe would have run.

Promised Factors: Not I, not II, not III... but V.

I’d like to hear more about this Sex Belt.  

Protestor vs protestor.

Norm’s YouTube talk show returned this week as well, couldn't recommend it more highly.

lol , hadn’t seen it but that’s much better. I will shrink away now with my low hanging fruit.