Naught e'ry species keep deir genitals inna same place, Darlin'…
Naught e'ry species keep deir genitals inna same place, Darlin'…
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a targ, Fadder]
Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh aye, it's a targ]
…(ethnic Klingon chanting)
Oy agree, sadly. Wit' the exception o'two key parts:
Oy loyked her a lot more in retrospect. The contempt she held fer Cap'n Picard when she found out he coulda ended the Borg once 'n fer all by sacrificing Hugh, but DIDN'T (as well as her annoyance at the overdramatic, whiney Maquis colonists - is, in this enlisted man's hoomble opinion, ENTIRELY joostified…
Or da Defiant returning from chasing off Breen privateers, or dat dey're sooch magnificent bastards, dey have no problem wit shooting down a transport ship an' enslaving da passengers fer foyve years as dilithium moiners…
"I said dat Oy would give anything to look into deir oyes…"
Was 'at a dooble-entendre…? Now ye'r joost troyin' t'bake me potatoes, aren't ye?
Oy vehemently disagree wit' what ye're sayin', sir, boot Oy'll defend t'me death yer roight t'fookin' say it! ~BEELLLLLCH~
"Sympathetic enoof"…? Fer fook's sake, man… Oy thenk ye joost completely turned me 'round on 'em… !
Fook me, dat would'a been bloody AWFUL… Oy 'ave a hard enough toyme standin' ooproight as it is wit'out 'avin' t'deal wit' an artificial leg… d'ough it would bring a literal truth t'the ol' 'wooden leg' trope…
Bloody 'ell, is it weird dat dat story turned me on?
fookin' hell…
which makes a lotta foookin' sense, since dey're a blooody worm, an' not a human wit'a foooked-up farhead…
A fish juice? Come now, Darlin'… surely Oy haven't doon anything so heinous as t'deserve sooch a punishment, 'ave Oy…?
Well, perhaps Oy'm swimmin' in me synthehol because Oy was really joost waitin' (fer d'most part patiently, Oy moight add) fer me Cardassian hostess ta engage me in conversation an' drink menu suggestions… Perhaps Oy simply tired of waitin'… we Humans, y'know… we're not known fer our patience & meticulous - soom would…
Weth all due respect, Miss - Ye DID sorta summon me in here, an' now yer tellin' a grown Starfleet Chief o'Operations that 'ee cahn't even enjoy an ale durin' 'ees off-hours…? Not fer nuttin', Lass, but Oy do believe Oy received more Cardassian hospitality on ~HICCUP~ Setlik III…
Oy KNEW tha Baaaaaaarkeep, sir. Tha Baaaaaaarkeep was a friend o'moyne… an' NEELIX, sir, was NO FOOKIN' BAAAAAAARKEEP….
Blooody fookin' temporal mechanics… That's th'koinda shite officers stoody at th'academy ta fulfill theyar blooody "god-like alien entities" an' fookin' "non-corporeal space pregnancy" credits ta round oot theyar "Inevitable Space Travel Bollucks No One Wants To Deal With" Minor… ~HICCUP~