Drunk Librarian
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But if a city is gonna let itself get ripped off, the value is clear:

This. I don’t expect most companies to offer plus-sized clothes because, unless they’re really able to devote the time and money to develop decent plus-sized clothing, they’re going to produce the same sort of nonsense that Target came out with a few years ago - ill-fitting, cheap, and generally terrible. Companies

People hate, but the Force Unleashed games were fun. For the power of the Xbox 360, and the awful story direction of LucasArts curt 1995-2005, the games did a lot. I got to be a Jedi going apeshit on a bunch of droids, and rip a Star Destroyer out of orbit in a fit of rage. Win.

This article has been written nearly word for word many times here on Jezebel. I think this is most definitely an issue discuss but you bring nothing new to the discussion. You have actually brought less. And even worse, you offer no solutions.

Oh, god- you just Park Sloped “Star Wars.”

Because until Admiral Haldo’s attempt, it was a commonly held belief that light-speeding through another object would transfer you to an alternative universe where you were employed editing an automotive blog.

Because of reasons the writers could waste time making up but I’d rather they spent that time not catering to people who don’t know how to suspend their disbelief while watching a movie about space wizards with laser swords.

If you like busted Daytona strippers they were great.

Regardless of where I nap, my son will stage whisper IN MY FACE to ask if he can play Xbox.

Being stuck in a Cheesecake Factory forever would be like being the dude who couldn’t read because his glasses broke after the nukes went off. Everything’s on the menu, but it all tastes like shit.

Are those shops in the Shire? Doesn’t sound like anything in the realm I live in...

I don’t know why conservatives feel the need to tell us this... but in my opinion you guys sold your soul a long time ago during the time you are proud to support so I don’t really give a shit what you think and no I won’t forgive you or let you off the hook for the current climate you helped create.

I’ll try, but I’m pretty sure they’re going to tell me “Sir, this is an elementary school. You have to live in Alabama to vote for that election.”

I don’t mean to be a pedant, but this has been coming for much longer than a year. It probably started when our country elected an extremely intelligent, charming, young senator. The problem is that he was born in Kenya, I mean Ethiopia. And he’s definitely a covert for ISIS because his name is ostensibly

Vote. Fucking vote. You have to fucking vote.

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

Fuck Roy Moore.

No, it’s someone who is appalled at how women eat their own, and we have to stop.