Drunk Librarian

Well, if some progressives would actually stay in states like Alabama and Tennessee instead of flocking to California or NYC or Chicago or the Pacific Northwest we may stand a chance and/or have started making some progress. But too many of them leave and then join hands with liberals in the rest of the country and

The problem is that this isn’t really a state-level thing anymore. It’s a city/rural thing. The cities in most red states are blue (for example: Dallas? Bright blue). The rural areas are red. The only reason the GOP has been able to hold on to the House and Senate is via gerrymandering and voter suppression. Without

+1 That’s Gould, Jerry! Gould!

Revenge is a dish best served Gould.

At the very least, you’re starving enough for internet attention that you’re racing to be the first to demonstrate outrage at others’ willingness to make molestation jokes.

I never want to be so starving for internet attention that I race to be the first to condemn molestation jokes.

I dunno, seems pretty rude of her to step on Lennay Kekua while she’s down.

I was even more impressed with how she managed to balance for three seconds in midair on her right foot, but then I realized Comcast was just previewing their streaming speed following the net neutrality repeal vote.

I’m willing to bet that she weighs the same as a duck

I wish my dad had been told there was a trick for this. Could have saved me a lot of surgeries.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a

Is jail/prison the right place for them? Serious question, because I see a lot of articles talking about the failure of the prison system in rehabilitation and what-not.

The site DID take accusations of rape seriously - Kotaku had an entire article (and then a re-edited article on top of that) talking about the

it’s no wonder cheerleaders and other prudes part their thighs for men of the brutish genus

Yes, and he responded to it pretty appropriately.

Here’s a question: Do you want every single person accused of rape/sexual assault to just...go away, or something? To be financially ruined, swallowed up by a black hole, raptured, to live life on an island, lost and alone, without friends or family?

He got accused of

The UP continues to get no respect.

My favorite call-in was my Dad’s. There was an NFLer that graduated from one of the big schools and it got out that he was illiterate (I don’t recall who it was, this must have been before James Brooks though, because I was definitely a kid.) Anyway, the whole show was about what a scandal it was and how it was

I don’t believe they’re even speaking English. I always feel like Charlie Brown.

Or if you’re black and member of the Big 8 or the Divine 9. I’m white, college educated and a alumni member of one of the top national fraternities. At my job, the Big 8 and Divine 9 alums take very good care of each other.