Drunk Librarian

Since he is going on Sean Hannity’s show it sounds like he would rather cry with the sinners than laugh with the Saints 

Huh. What I see is very symmetrical features, well balanced, and a nice shape to her face. I’ll believe you about her body, I don’t really care enough to look her up over a throwaway joke.

NO!! Often telling your partner that you cheated alleviates the cheater’s guilt but causes unnecessary hurt to the partner. If he has truly moved on and committed to his wife, nothing good will come for telling her. If he has unresolved feeling of guilty, he needs to channel that into being good to his wife.

I agree with your assessment of this person in general but agree with Jane’s advice. If you are truly repentant and cheated once (not multiple times), don’t tell them. The cheater should feel guilty and like shit, but not dump shit feelings on another.

You really think that people that were on 4chan sports forums *a decade ago* are automatically being insincere when trying to explain how they’ve grown personally since then and are really just closet alt-right bigots? Sure you aren’t just staring into a mirror there?

Well I asked Alexa if this would be an issue for me and she said it was fine.

THE BEST PICKLE IS NO PICKLE. Pickles are disgusting. Why do people love them so much??

Are you saying the minnow has been lost?

Holy shit you sound incredibly creepy.

That is a total canard. As an Orthodox Jewish male, I can assure you that we have sex in much the same manner as any other married couples do.

I’ll personally be tightening my money.

Hold on, hold on just a second. Let’s see what the pretty blond Fox girl has to say, and consult her Maxim spread before we jump to any conclusions.

We have offices in different cities. It is referred to as a “branch”. Like on a tree

Same thing happened to me last week. Had something bubbling down below so I stopped at a gas station on my way to work in a not so nice neighborhood. I go in and ask for the bathroom. While I wasn’t informed it was customers only, it was strongly implied. I do my business and I get out and realize this is one of those

Why wouldn’t you just pay the 5 dollars to shit in Subway? You get a toilet and a foot long laxative.

I’m not saying Lovie was all that great,

Chances are that by following this strategy you will attain complete success at being alone.

I am torn on this one.

A bold claim in a world where the Star Wars prequels exist.

“ it also helped that Wubbels is a blond white woman. Officers recorded while perpetrating violence against black men and women have a much higher job retention.”