Drunk Librarian

Pssh, Kansas City always covers in games played at home on weekday nights when the temperature is above 50 degrees at kickoff against another team whose uniforms feature imagery appropriated from Native Americans.

Just vote. It’s not that hard. If your state requires an ID, get one. If it’s difficult for you to travel and get to the polling place, vote absentee. The Republicans are outnumbered nationally but their supporters don’t have to be encouraged to vote. Liberals have to practically be begged to do it.

I feel you on that. And I don’t disagree - a lot of white/cis/straight people (include myself) are in their own world. But like I said - you can call for a truce or you can ask people to change their world view.

Keep pushing that narrative. I guess that means that I can just assume you’re not doing enough either. Though, since you didn’t gender identify won’t assume the male part, but you are white so maybe you should be doing more, instead of grousing on the internet about other white people...

Yeah because the “straight white men are the source of all the worlds woes” narrative, has had no hand in cultivating the far-rightmare. Also thanks for proving my point. “If you don’t fully agree with me you’re not actually helping.” With such warm community building I can’t imagine why the left has such a problem

Of course the fundamental problem is that every group has an unshakably held equivalent to your last sentence, many of which are in diometric opposition to one another.

Well you’re off to a great start! “Let’s unite! But first, fuck that specific group, they should change to be more to my liking.”

Everyone needs to get Chicago’s name out of their mouths after mass shootings.

“We need the Left to unite, after everyone who’s not a minority admits they’re not doing enough.” nothing says bridge building like telling one specific part of a movement that they need to work harder. Honestly this is why the Left is constantly playing catch up to the Right, there’s always way too much self

“I don’t know how to clean.” Is Upper-Middle-Class speak for “Cleaning is beneath me.”


Alabama is still everything most people believe it to be. Moore is going to win in a walk. I don’t care how some progressive Alabamans may protest, politically, it’s still. 1862 in that state. .

I had a roommate in college who swore she didn’t know how to clean. I wrote down detailed instructions on what needed to be cleaned, how often, and with what cleaning product. Then it changed to she didn’t see the mess. Like, she legit argued she couldn’t tell the difference between a countertop just wiped clean and

stop with the fucking shaming. Stop telling me I’ll be a bad mother before I’ve even had a baby. I said we could afford a housekeeper if it got really bad. We actually do clean once a week. And it gets messy after cooking one meal. Getting a housekeeper doesn’t “stop the cycle.” My parents got a housekeeper when they

I’ll just start off saying that this isn’t normal. Project roll offs tend to occur before the project ships. Also because of the location of the studio it’s very rare that they’d cut very many positions. Unlike studios in larger areas like LA, San Francisco or Seattle who have a pool of talented people to recruit

“How does a person with a functioning brain not know how to clean?” - How about you come clean my house and I’ll do your differential geometry homework? Oh you don’t take graduate level differential geometry classes? How does a person with a functioning brain not get a Ph.D in theoretical mathematics?

Hire a housekeeper. I get it, you’re busy and you never learned how to clean a house. Everyone will also chime in to say your husband could do it and so on. Okay. Still, hire a housekeeper. Knowing CPS won’t get involved in your parental rights is a low standard to set for yourself.

No, I won’t gtfo. I don’t want to see objectification against women here from men. I’m biracial and it’s my site too.

It seems silly to frame it as a marriage. You can throw yourself a party anytime. You can provide an open bar and ask for expensive gifts for your party anytime. You can buy an overpriced sparkly white dress anytime. Calling it a wedding kind of detracts from actual weddings and commitment ceremonies, and given

Has the day finally arrived when the common person doesn’t recognize a Spaceballs reference? A part of me has died :,(

Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices