Drunk Librarian

You never know until we try. This falls into one those “all of the above” solutions they’re always telling us about for energy...

The players are highly sought after workers that make excellent money who could abstain from joining in the praise or even speak their mind and have absolutely no problem finding work in the offseason...

Keep going, I’m sure you’ll eventually get to where everyone else in this thread already is.

A schooner is a sailboat, stupid head!

Of course people are chafing at the cost. There is no way for them to do this in a way that pleases all people. The timing will never be right for everybody to take off work; costs will be prohibitive no matter what the price point is. I’ve been involved in the planning of events/meetings for years now, ranging from

I’ve been on the “scoop in the morning, scoop in the evening” routine with the orange stuff for a couple of years now, and my poops are glorious. I order the no sugar added version from Amazon (because it’s a lot of sugar I don’t need or want), and I mix it in with those Mio style “flavor enhancers”. The first week I

I’m sorry, the correct question here is why do they not sell that in a 4 lb package.

Will you be retracting your asinine and wrong statement and maybe apologizing for being such a jerkbag?

But them sideburns, though...

I pay for a monthly housecleaning service specifically to ensure that a deep clean of my bathroom happens at least once a month. This is my one major “treat yo self” purchase that I do, and it is worth the $130/month I pay for it.

I know this is completely digging up a year-old article, but I had this exact same experience. Parents took me to see Ghostbusters in the theater when I was almost six. I was terrified for weeks and kept seeing those terror dogs in my sleep.

Technically, Spock kills God. He’s the trigger-man on the Klingon ship.

A comment so nice, you said it thrice!

It’s exactly what you think it is.

“Meat raffle” is the most small town midwestern thing I can think of, and my family is all from a small midwestern town.