
Shit yeah we do. Little assholes need to learn to fucking listen when I tell them to cite the goddamn sources with cocksucking MLA format, otheriwse it's cunting plagiarism! Little shitbirds.

This article needs a trigger warning. I am triggered by deks. Especially "big old floppy deks."

We have friends who came back into the city (we live in NOLA) as medical aide, and they said the troops fired at anyone who was out after curfew.

Louisiana woman here, but my parents moved to Texas when I was in high school. My mother coerced me into attending a women's bible study when I was home for college, in Tyler, Tx, where the lesson was about "women submit yourselves to your husbands." I stood up and said, "I ain't submitting no one, not even your god,"

I have only ever sent one dish back in my life (I was a server myself, so I remember the finicky ones) it was $14 crab cake poboy that was cold in the middle (not safe). I told my server and she took it back to the kitchen where they proceeded to put put it under the heat lamp which made the lettuce and mayo all warm

Get 'em.

Does that not seem big brotherish to you? *puts on tin foil hat*

That does seem problematic.

I...don't really like Wes Anderson, expect for The Royal Tennenbaums. Meh. Who asked me, though? Wes Anderson is probably enjoying his private tennis lessons right now with his mother who isn't disappointed in him.

You speak the truth! Also, Francis wasn't a passion killer, he was trying to recreate and destroy the familial structure and in the process "become." Plus, he spared the blind women because she became human to him after he took her to the zoo vet's office to touch a sedated tiger (and they banged). He would do some

It's definitely non-alcoholic (Baptists believe the body is a temple and no intoxicating substance should enter it), and I think it's Hawaiian Punch with pieces of apples cut up in it. Maybe some apple juice added? Real nasty.

Aw man, I know so many folks who say that about crawfish too. Y'all are missing out. Give me those spicy little monsters and giant sea roaches.

Well honey, depends on the woman. I personally do not shave/wax anything and I'm Serbian/Ukrainian Jewish descent, so I'm hella hairy. I go to beach in a bikini. I do not give a fuck. You don't like my curly pits, legs, and pubes, don't look.

I was too and remember the potlucks were there were at least 3 "taco" dishes. Taco Pie. Taco Casserole. Taco soup. And that nasty punch.

Wow. Is is possible to fall in love with a contextual gif?

I had an argument with a man who threw a hissy fit when a GROUP of women (myself included) told him that they don't appreciate having attention drawn to them when they are at the fucking grocery store. Here's how it went:

Madeleine, you remind of this girl I knew in high school who was one of my besties.

Not to nitpick. Well, totally to nitpick, it isn't a child, it's a fetus.

Yeah, I'm with you. Ikea beds are the literal worst after about three years. I ended up with a pinched nerve in my back and had no idea how it happened, and doctor asked if I had an Ikea bed (this was in Austin, TX—she had seen this before several times). When I told her yes, she told me I was better off putting my

So, I'm a nerd and love Planet Earth. A lot. I think my favorite thing about the Bird of Paradise part was when this really pretty, colorful male was sweeping his dance floor with twigs in case a female came by. He did this for 8 weeks before one came to visit. He danced and flaunted his super neat little dance floor