
Yeah, you're still missing the point.

That is literally all he knows. I'm surprised he walked in there with his shoes tied.

I am always sooooo skeptical when someone is way against gay rights. What in the world does it matter who's banging who (consensually of course) to anyone else? It's like that nosy neighbor lady who is always peering through her lace curtains and screaming at neighbor kids for being too close to her roses. WHAT ARE

I don't know where you got those stats, bud, but the FBI disagrees with you.

I actually got dizzy reading this, and I worked as a vet tech, where I saw a vet kicked kicked in the head after squeezing a similar jet of putrid puss from a cow's teat.

Ain't no such a thing as forgetting Mardi Gras here in New Orleans. The streets are literally closed and every one has three days off from work and school (Lundi Gras, Mardi Gras, and Ash Wednesday) . It's way better than NYE. We get wasted for free and the weather is usually nice and when you get tired, you go home

I like your style.

They said it was kids who were doing it, which makes it even more fucked up.

I am from central Louisiana originally. My parents told me that if I was a lesbian they would be extremely hurt and wouldn't ever want to see me again. I was sleeping with exclusively women at the time (since I was 15). They also forbade me from marrying a black man because "the cultural differences are too much" and

I like that you know this.

I replied further down the thread about this, but he pushed their two-year-old into a space heater and gave her third degree burns. He also threw their other child (who was ten) off of a ladder when he was helping him reshingle. He knocked my grandma around so bad, she had to get dentures later in life, because he

He was gone for three days. She got her ten-year-old son to help.

Well, he did push their 2-year-old into a heater, giving her third degree burns, and he knocked my grandma around so bad that she had to cut hair in sunglasses, so he was a little more than just an asshole.

Ok. So this seems pretty mild. Maybe it's because I am from the south, and we love to stir the shit in the most dramatic way possible. I'm pretty sure if I caught Mr. Druid cheating, there would be an Xbox one on fire when he got home from work. (Can one set Xbox ones on fire?)

Oh I read it.

That's so gross and rude.

One time this middle aged guy seated beside me on the plane took his leg and pushed it under the seat in front of me, so that his thigh was pressed against mine, rather than stretch into his own space. I took my boot heel and ground it into his ankle until he moved it.

You gotta watch you some Fast and the Furious. I watched F&F 6 for Christmas eve, and my god! Women of color being capable and powerful! A biracial main character! Asian Americans playing diverse roles!

I understand what you're saying. The truth is that human beings who are in each other's faces all the time are going to fight. And not always respectfully. One partner may have a lower tolerance for frustration. One partner may have an abusive past that makes them especially sensitive. One person may have learned to