
I live here. It's pretty corrupt.

Um, but what was the wall wearing?

And a stable of Andalusian horses to be taken care of by a rugged stablehand.

She's saying that good guys don't try to censor what comes out her mouth, thereby accepting her as a human being with agency , who has the same standards as men. Chiding someone for swearing is gross. It stinks of control freak.

Pal, I know you're probably a troll, but it's been a rough day so I'll bite. The definition of Fascism is, in fact, "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization." So, in that, the police aren't rushing this guy and ripping the shirt from him and incarcerating him for

I wish South Park would do an episode where her butt becomes sentient and demands a paycheck.

As someone fresh out of the first year of marriage (one year, eight months), I confirm this. The first year of marriage was incredibly hard, but now we have our routine worked out and have learned how to fight fairly.

Don't forget Under the Skin! Those wieners were ERECT!

My experience is nowhere near yours, and I'm positive about that, as I am a thin woman. But, I wanted to commiserate about violent harassment. I don't buy into gender norms (not saying that women should or shouldn't, it's just my choice) so I have unshaven armpits and legs and very short hair and I don't wear makeup.

I actually know both Kacey and Miranda Lambert (I went to high school with Miranda's little brother, who rules) I would be willing to bet that she was indeed throwing some shade. She had little patience for that shit when I knew her.

You are my favorite person.

I work at a public university in New Orleans. He has quietly cut nearly 26 million dollars to public universities here. We call him "Booby Jindal." What gets me is that he thinks he'll get the presidential ticket after the GOP has done their damndest to demonize Indian, Pakistani and middle eastern individuals...wait

I live in New Orleans and it's incredibly Catholic here. Everyone loves babies and the babies here are so happy and well-behaved (I guess it's because everyone helps the mom. I've been handed a stranger's baby three times in the grocery store. Also no one freaks out if you grab a kid to stop it from running into

I haven't shaved or plucked anything in two years. My husband LOVES it (I wouldn't have married him if he was the kind of guy to police my grooming) because I never get cricket legs.

WE COULD BE RICH! I could supply underage labor from my classroom.

Whoa whoa whoa. Please don't compare educators to cops. I teach at a college level, so this comment doesn't really apply to me (though I still consider myself an authority figure and a professional, and therefore don't even encourage friendships between myself and even former students) but please understand that good


Or David Lynch. Whoa.

Excuse me, but the "good one" you are harassing for absolutely no reason is my husband and while I rarely stoop to this sort of discourse on Jez, I will kindly tell you to FUCK OFF. And if you were so concerned about him wanting attention, why did you ladle it out?