
I’m 97 years old.

Did he demand an omelette bar? I'd demand an omelette bar.

Can I still be surprised that she pimped out her own daughter for $100? Because I’m not a prostitute connoisseur, but that seems ... really low.

“You see, Mr. Henson, this is all a misunderstanding. The police were called because of a suspect vehicle from a previous robbery. Different make and model, and no robbery occurred, but that previous vehicle, as it turns out, was ALSO being driven by a black man, so, you can understand our confusion.”

Chicago’s in the “winners” frame when it comes to segregation. It’s just Chicago’s richer than Milwaukee on the whole, so that part gets ignored.

So glad he’s praying. That should help.

That is probably the case. I’ve noticed that usually (but not always), it is the Walmart Wolverines that are way more upset than actual grads. The U of M grad doesn’t have a victory, but still has his degree from Michigan and often a good job. The Walmart Wolverine only has a GED, student loans in default from getting

I'm glad you have your financial affairs in order, but you still cried over sports. That's lame. And I'm a Browns fan. We know crushing defeat. Still never going to cry about it.

The coverage here is gonna certainly encourage them... and I’m all for it... tks

Regional alcoholism + sad football = glorious fun

You say they’re a mess. I say they’re having more fun than most of us.

If you care this much about a sport, not to mention an amateur sport, you may want to re-evaluate your priorities.

Calling Lions’ games will certainly give you a lot of practice.

You’re a big baby. I’m a Sox fan too, but this team is fun as hell to watch (Schwarber especially) and I will be rooting for them throughout the playoffs.

Starbury might be a crazy asshole, but he is the guy who decided to sell cheap shoes so kids that grew up like he did could buy them.

It’s not hard to look like a choirboy when you’re in the same city as Patrick Kane.

thanks for emphasizing my point. That has “rape face” all over it.

I like the joke, just want to point out that in 2002, the Flyers traded for Billy Tibbetts, who was convicted of statuatory rape. Tibbettss was booed mercilessly at home, until 9 days later the Flyers released him, in a direct response to the fan outrage.

Chicago troll doesn’t like Flyers fans being mean to his Patrick

You're apparently pro-recommending your own comments too.