I just Hy'ruled.
I just Hy'ruled.
"Juan Pablo Is Really Set on Sticking It to The Bachelor."
I thought he disapproved of homosexuality.
Cause men losing their hair will be great advertising for a hair product. Usually Old Spice is better and funnier than this.
9/10 Would ride.
10,000 dollars to anyone who can provide photoshopped images of these originals.
I hope I made you proud.
Haha, I wonder how they will cover this on Jezebel?
I'm still trying to fit my ipad up my ass. The corner method is not working, I think I just have to go for it.
I believe they, like many Americans, are trying to figure out why her pussy riots while other pussies do not. What causes this phenomenon?
I did see him, and I may not have shit my pants, but I sharted.
A crackhead and a vagina murderer......Thanks Canada.
Why am I on Jezebel?
If Sam Ponder crapped on me it would probably smell bad.
Who would want to touch his hands after that?
That was weird.....I get the impression she isn't into GoT as much as he his, and just pretends she really likes it. She probably has to wear that costume at all times and speak in High Valyrian as well.
Clash of Clans?