
How the fuck these developers kept making big-budget games with modest sales and low-shit ciritc reception?

The game was terrible, true, but you still fuck squirrels.

Yeah Im with ya, the idea is sound but...... this is not what I wanna think of when I think of pirate RPG. Are there Pirates in elder scrolls? Can we get Bethesda on that?

Kind of a shame it’s such shit.
A good pirate RPG partially in the vein of Black Flag but more dedicated, could be great.
And some of the visuals in there aren’t too terrible. It’s clear they had the basis of a game that could’ve been at least decent.

Ah yes, Fettscheisse 500... I think I’ve seen that porno.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they did ... but your a and b points can be said about pretty much every game, ever.

Those two are not mutually exclusive. Especially in Mario maker.

I’m not sure if that camouflaged trampoline trick is really clever or really cruel :D

The Jared Fogle story.

I thought we cured Ryckets.

This would be like if Nintendo Power had published my Mario comic when I was 8. What a time to be alive.

Haw! You got wrecked by an EIGHT-YEAR-OLD!

Oh no... Dan’s shenanigans (sheDanigans) are reaching 8 year olds now.

With the insane work weeks and other things going on...watching you play Tristan’s level this morning was a great way to end the week....

I’ve been glowing ever since the letter showed up.

That would be some next level, diabolical shit. So entirely possible.

Have we verified that this Tristan isn’t really Dan Ryckert trolling you?

Dang, kid’s gotta have Dan Ryckert Virus by now. Ain’t nothin’ we can do about it now but pray it’s not too severe.

That is some impressive trolling design work. Impressive 8 year old, his drawing of Mario is also quite good.

I bet you made this kid’s day (and it looks like he may have made yours?)