
36 years old:

The : is silent. You pronounce the (.

But is it pronounced “Captain Sadface” or is the “:(“ silent?

I like to believe that a year on jRPG worlds is longer than the equivalent of 365 Earth days. So Zidane’s 16 is something reasonable in Earth years.

33 in a Japanese game is the equivalent of 75 in real life.

Steiner is only 33?! 4 months older than me?! But... But he looks so old! He SEEMED so old!

It is the only show I have paid actual money for in order to watch the episodes (since sci-fi only has the first few episodes for free). I’d put it up there with the best episodes of BSG. Give it a shot.

So say we all.

I’m gonna guess it’s more about the stereotypical stuff that usually paints the region or country as “backwards”, or perhaps the bad potrayal of the beloved president.

If it has offensive content it has to go, period. Architectural inaccuracies and whatnot, that’s just usual on CS maps... they aren’t supposed to be completely accurate anyways.

To be fair, a Chinese dude could’ve written that book and Americans would still just be like “Fuck yeah he was a vampire slayer cause Lincoln was BADASS!!”

“Humor” isn’t license to do whatever you want. Satire is specifically tied to reality. They just mean you have to perceive and judge things in a certain context and through a certain lens. The point of this was that they’re misrepresenting Turkey, not satirizing it.

Abraham Lincoln is long dead. and that book was by an American author. False equivalents all up in this bitch.

Sort of how you’re complaining about people because you can? I mean, it’s a free article and you didn’t have to write anything. Sort of weird.

Quit whining Turkish people...it’s not like you hear people from Boston whine about Fallout 4 not matching the actual Boston. (haha...I’m kidding...they never shut up about it...)

People paid for the game & the new campaign, did they not?

I know right? People should take racism and just eat it by the spoonful and ask for seconds.

Steam has been pretty harsh when it comes to sex and nudity, but yes, they just released a yuri (lesbian) visual novel that was uncensored. It will probably be something that becomes more common going forward, as there is usually a lot of resistance and hand wringing in the beginning, but when they realize there is

The ESRB does not ban it, but the licensor (consoles) and the retail location do. There is nothing to stop someone from making an AO game and trying to sell it retail. What becomes an issue is that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo have no interest in licensing an AO game for their platforms, and retailers are also