Anyway Woody Allen is a pedophile
Anyway Woody Allen is a pedophile
People were too busy shouting “YAAAASSSS QWEEN” and calling people Bernie Bros to realize that an astonishing number of people who don’t live in NYC or California hate Hillary the way most people hate fire ants.
My question is: Has Tiger Woods ever not been in the sunken place?
When you stop clutching those pearls, you should try putting them up your butt.
The half-second during which I read the first part of this headline and got really excited taught me a lot about myself.
Unless they’re in someone.
These accusations are Over the Top.
Last Tuesday, the election of Danica Roem to Virginia’s House of Delegates—part of a wave of progressive electoral…
Comment stolen from Twitter:
Some might call this article petty. I am not one of those people.
Catfish: Video Game Industry Edition (As always, prolific journalism, Jason)
It’s very important to know what he thinks if the only source of satisfaction in your life is feeling smugly self-satisfied with your own moral superiority.
It’s because Louis C.K. was able to just toss out his “apology” and disappear without getting put trough the ringer like he deserved, so it’s almost like Stewart has become his proxy for the Internet firing squad.
Did Jon Stewart know (for sure know like the executives at Weinstein Co., like Louie’s manager) and protect Louis C.K. from any consequences?
Nothing says Punk like a bunch of cops and soldiers.
At this point I just consider the Comedy cartegory as the “not stick up your ass prestige drama” category
I’m sorry but you are mistaken in only looking at the shooter, this was an Elementary School, so clearly this was a hoax, and they were all actors.
Obviously, Kevin had mental health issues stemming from his incarceration. We need to do more to improve access to psychiatrists and social workers after prisoners are released.
But then we’d have to watch fucking anime.
Picture one: Regrets