Drummertist v.3

I was a hardcore gamer ever since I was 6 years old and I first played Super Mario Bros. on my cousins NES. From then on, I would read the magazines, buy the consoles and die if I didn't get every great game out there. I've owned the NES, SNES, N64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Gamecube, 360 and Wii.

None of those kids have a good singing voice. They can't hit the notes and most sound like they're singing in too high a key. Ugh. Disgusting.

Geez...look at all those cars washing away in the water and coming my way. I better climb on top of this car over here to be safe.

Are you guys joking? There were over 100 tablets announced at CES this year...ALL running Android, ALL put out just to have something on the market. These hardware developers don't care about their products as long as they can cram Android in it. Almost all reviewers of the Xoom said it felt unfinished and incomplete.

From the nose down? Yeah.

ZOMBIE: Mmmmmm....tastes like chicken.

That's what you get with Android products made by "Lets-Get-Them-Out-As-Fast-As-We-Can" manufacturers: Half done pieces of $hit. It the same thing as all Android devices.

I really think the iPad 2 will have a front AND rear facing camera. How else will it use all of FaceTime's abilities (like switching from front to rear camera)?

I agree with all of you. They absolutely didn't get notifications right. What I meant was the look of it. I've seen many complaints about this hack about how it looks (not very Apple or iOS). That's why I said hopefully Apple will do something like this but get the visual part of it right along with cleaning up the

For your consideration...a motivational poster...

There is a reason there's so much unused space on the lock screen as well as when you pull up the multitasking bar: Apple has plans for it. The only difference is when Apple works on something, they get it right. I really think a new notifications is on the top of their to-do list. Hopefully it'll work something like

Otterbox cases (even the Defender) isn't waterproof or dirt proof. It just gives more scratch protection.

Next up is a sex game that you control by going "Oh" and "Ah"

Neat idea. I really wish Giz would give their opinion on how it feels.

That stylus looks nice. I wonder if the head on it is gooey or if it's stiff like a pencil. That would sell it for me. The buttons look kind of "blah" to me.

Poor, funny Windows PC makers. Always following and never leading. You make my tummy jiggle like melted gumdrops dipped in unicorn blood.

I don't know how to ask you this 'cause I don't want to embarrass you or anything...but is there anything on the internet about *BLEEEEP*?

How long will it take the US to start using this technology?

I'll take an 11" Macbook Air over any tablet as they are right now.

No, I sunk a tomahawk onto a built in table on my deck. I replace the top wood once a year or when it wears down. It's not rocket science.