
All I'm saying is it was light on the action. Heavy on the thriller and drama. Just like the Martian was light on the comedy heavy on the suspense and Syfy. I went to see the first Bourne in theaters and was thoroughly disappointed. And I think mostly because it was labeled a action movie and all I kept thinking was

He's good!!!

The Bourne movies are not action movies. They are chase movies. Please stop calling it a action movie. Just like the Martian isn't a comedy. Please stop with the bullshit!!!

Oh you are so right. Especially after reading all the comments I have so far. This is what I have concluded. People have way too much time on their hands first off. Analyzing a kids movie through the eyes of an adult you already lost. Secondly I'm at a loss when people tell the writer of a fictional story what should

Well putting words in my mouth is one way to sell your rebuttal I guess. But I never said just because they are kids movies that they must be crap. I said that kids don't view and think about movies on the same level as a adult. So why are adults watching it as such? Because again it wasn't made for adults. And again

Wow you way over thought this franchise. It's a kids movie. It wasn't.ade for you to enjoy or understand. And just because you have enjoyed some before. Doesn't mean you watch them all the same now. But to drag a kids movie through the ringer you sound like grumpy old people yelling get off my lawn. Because you don't

1 for bemoaning please


There are some inconsistencies in the rotten tomatoes score and the outcome at the box office. Not all fresh movies do well. And not all rotten movies bomb. So there is that to try to explain. Wonder woman is probably just a really good movie that most people agree to like. But you don't need everyone in the world to

Thoroughly enjoyed​ reading that. It was nice to see someone appreciate the movie and series for what it is. And yes it is sort of amazing to think how far the series has come. And the amount of money it is now generating. I miss Brian though I won't lie. He was never my favorite actor in the series. And I downright

You almost want to call him petty. But we all have had our fair share of bad experiences so I am totally for it. Going to the movies isn't the experience it used to be. And too many people feel entitled to do what they want in public and never caring enough about the rest of us. Hell when I go with my family the first

I am ready to see a sequel. First one was plenty enjoyable

This website and it's critics are harsh on action and action/fantasy movies. I still enjoy the website overall. But I truly can't get past the critics and how snooty and snobish they come off in their reviews. And often it feels like they go out of their way to throw shade at parts of the film that most movie goers

The greatest movie experience I have ever had. It was one of the moments in life I can remember where I was and who I was with etc…and yes from the moment Trinity jumped from rooftop to rooftop i had a smile on my face ear to ear like the joker. Because I knew from that moment on it was my kind of film. It did not

Why would you put so much pressure on yourself? The sandlot is something more then the sum of it's parts. For my money it's the greatest sports movie ever made. Maybe a league of their own is a close second. But this movie is timeless. My teens sat down and have watched it with me several times. They love it as much

Oh how I wish this happened to more people trying to lie and scam. H
And the people trying to act like Kung Fu Panda was a terrible movie are trying too hard to be funny. They too should be jailed and fined haha!!

They were pretty funny when they were released. But when I sat down and watched with my family my teens didn't seem to love it. They didn't hate it. But they didn't laugh much either. Somethings just have to be enjoyed in the time and place they originally were

It seems weird to review and grade a movie based off what category you think the movie should be filed under. If you liked the movie if it were just labeled a super hero movie. Then just judge it off that. Did you like it or not. But to say you didn't enjoy it much because you want to put it in a specific category

The matrix sequels aren't bad at all. I thoroughly enjoy the whole series. Good write up. While I disagreed with plenty of your points of view. It was a pleasure to read because like you and so many others the matrix was a sort of different experience when I saw in movie theater. I had never been so impressed and so

Oh no you need to go back and re-read all the furious 8 articles of the last two weeks on av. There was some definite hate. And plenty of backhanded compliments given to it. I know not everyone hates on it. But after seeing the box office numbers it seems the world agrees with me and not the hate :-)