
Not surprising at all. Even with some hate from critics and writers trying hard to throw shade. It still goes out and does big numbers. Like I always say people vote with their wallets. The world says it love the FF series. So when 9 comes out. Please don't go back to hatin :-)

The Rock is no Tom Hanks. But he did turn himself into a bona fide actor and Superstar. I'm proud of him. It's not easy to shake the wwe stigma off in Hollywood. Keep up the good work brother. You always have a place on TV in our house :-)

Okay what about the 5 before and the one after?? Lol!!!

The fast movies have zero in common with the bond films. And I'm guessing the writers of bond would've taken great issue with that assessment as well. And a action movie can be shitty. But not when they make billions of dollars. Reviewers and critics can say anything they want. People vote with their wallets!!!!

I never said you can't like a action movie. I said you don't judge it based on same criteria as every other film. Which every reviewer does. They don't take the movie and judge it for what it is. They judge it based off other movies and the same criteria as those movies. My point was you don't judge all movies the

More people debating a action movie. Ha! Times must be boring because the franchise is about as simple as can be. Yet some people still over think it and try to wax poetic. The franchise has only made like 3-4 billion dollars. So keep trashing it and saying how bad it is. And watch Vin and the Rock keep laughing all

Oh you went in and tried to watch this movie seriously? There was your first mistake. These movies don't get long write ups. These movies aren't about great writing or great acting. These movies aren't to be judged by the same standards Hollywood has used since they made black n white movies. Either you liked what you

I remember thinking this was actually real when it first came out. Lol! Boy I would kill to be that innocent and naive again :-)

Sorry you had to go brother. You were funny as all hell. And I remember watching him and George Carlin with my grandmother when I was young. I think he was the first insult/mean comic I ever heard. I remember asking grandmom why he made fun of people so much. She tried to explain that people actually wanted him too.

Good for me I don't give two shots what those people think are the best movies. They constantly over-think their selections #hollywood politics

That was 2 years ago if not longer. I'm saying there is no beef now. And the beef that was seemed to be not so big considering they finished and made that movie and now a second one. And we haven't heard about another or different incident since. Yet here we are still writing pieces on it and making sly comments to

James Brown meet the Rock. The other hardest working man in show business!! This dude always has a full plate. Which for me is great. Because if he is in it. I'm watching it. Arnold I love you brother. You were larger then life growing up. But it's official the Rock is the greatest action star of all time (subjective)

I'm starting to believe there was no beef and it is merely the writers and news sites like this that continue to try to perpetuate it for clicks. The writer was pardon my French and for lack of a better word that would fit my description a "dick" with all his secondary comments and the paraphrasing in such a negative

I have heard of Penny Dreadful. I watched one episode once and thought it to be a little slow. Heavy on the talking light on the action

That read like it was hard to write that review. I'm assuming you drew the Short straw. Better luck next time :-)

I won't say you're wrong. Probably a combo of the two. Because we all knew at the end Arnold was going to have to square up with the predator. And that was a awesome matchup because Arnold was larger then most humans. You had to put him against something bigger!! :-)

I never had much exposure to those characters before that film. I had heard of them all except Allan quartermaine (spelling?) But the movie did make me want to dig more into the characters I didn't have much exposure to. Maybe this can get the remake/retooling treatment and start a universe that can expand on each

Doom was so early on in his career. He should get a pass for that one. Lol!! His star power and acting have increased enormously since then. His name doesn't guarantee any success of any film. But his name will put butts in the seats. And chances are higher the film will be a success at least at the box office with

It was awesome to see him become Superman. Maybe the best moment I have ever seen from Vin

Me too brother! I started tearing up hard. Looked around and wasn't a dry eye in the building so I let mine roll down my cheek and never wiped it off out of shame. How many other movies can grown men cry in public and not feel embarrassed? Not many for sure :-)