
The writer seemed to take a sort of negative position the whole article. It seems like they tried to make a joke or give a half compliment here and there as to not seem overly or outright hating the franchise. While I know none of these movies should win any Oscars or academy awards for acting. The movies are far from

I think he deserves a bigger role then a cameo. Dude was the biggest action star of all time. Has he not paid his dues? Starring role of course not. But let's not insult the man either. Predator was awesome! But I am pretty sure it was awesome because of Arnold. As much as I love Carl Weather's and Jesse the Body they

I for the life of me can't understand why people disliked the league of extraordinary gentleman. I thoroughly enjoyed ​the movie. And my kids did also when we sat down and watched it together.

You're welcome brother :-)

Or maybe you could put up a pic of yourself and join the real world. Lol! Kidding…And I pay for Netflix now. I was simply making a point to not charge me and try to show me ads. If something is free I will watch ads. But if I pay for a premium service. I'll take that ad free please.

Wow you're dumb…

Who uses a computer anymore!?!? Lmao! You think they are the only ones who know code! Oh boy you are naive. Thanks for the well wishes though. Oh and put a pic up if you going to respond to someone. Stop hiding…

I will so readily cancel my membership if I see even a add for daredevil. I didn't even give Hulu the full two months free trial a long stay. I found out you have to pay for service and watch ads. I promptly canceled my membership with about 7 weeks of free trial left. It was free for that time and I wouldn't watch

One of my favorite movies. And this article was pretty awesome. I have held many opinions that the writer talked about. And while all the information and specs may be outdated. It is still fun to think back about that time in our life when we played on our first computer and how cool we thought it/we were. It also