
No this is exhibit A that I don't read into shit that can't read into. Sorry it was a action movie plain and simple. Anything you or the writer gleaned from it says more about your own state of mind. But if that movie really through you into a frenzy then why aren't you all out in the streets everyday battling actual

How can something fake be a bigot!?!? Seriously you lost. Just give it up. Look at all the other posts who think the writer went off the deep end and read way too much into it. And all the comments that say all the same things I do. This site is full of elitists is the conclusion I have drawn from it. You sit and

Again not a direct historical representation. Somehow people continually glaze over that fact. If it wasn't a documentary and wasn't presented as fact based. Why must the writer or director adhere to historical fact. Which we humans don't even know exactly our own history. And that has been proven time after time. We

So the writer didn't get that it was a fantasy piece and not a historical documentary? And to read so much into a movie that was made from a graphic novel which is code for comic for adults. And have the nerve to call Frank Miller paranoid haha! You should've left your brain at home. And the last thing I would've ever

I like Milla to be the good guy(gal) so it would be a little weird seeing her be a villain. I liked the hello movies previously. Never heard or read much of comics before but found him to be a fun sort of anti-hero hero. Hopefully the new one will be good

This site doesn't exactly like action movies. But dredd was pretty good. Not great. Won't be telling my grandkids about the yesteryear of old when great movies like dredd were made. But I do happily watch it any chance it comes about. Streamed it on Netflix like 3 times a while back. There is a world there that was

I enjoyed them all

And I think your mother should've swallowed you…

You came at my post so yeah that would make me the defender. So thanks for starting the obvious. So since you felt the need to say something to me. I will have no choice but to respond. See how that works dummy???

Thank you for not denying that you live at home. It's nice to know you're a honest loser :-)

Who are you kidding you don't have a lawn. Your mom probably does. Being you probably live at home with her I can see why you would claim it as yours. But it's not your lawn so you can't tell anyone shit!! Haha!! #Lame #youwerentevenclosetofunny

The writer of this story should pray to be able to have that much fun. It's horrible that life gets so far away from us that we trash and mock innocent people for simply having fun. Because their own lives simply can't compare. The minions aren't wrong or bad or appalling. The minions are minions. But the fact you

Looks better then 2. I thought 2 was a little slow and boring. But the hulk though!!! He is the baddest mofo to ever grace the cover of a comic and movie. God I want to watch it now. This is going to be one of my favorite movies all time. Hulk hands down my favorite super hero. Thor a close second. Maybe more like 1

She looks damn good all things considered.

Pass!! Twice!!

For a minute I was excited. As I read that changed to worry. I Like Spawn. He could be a awesome antihero

God help me I love them too! They are just so damn adorable!! Fuck all these old fogies hating on minions. Yeah we know you hate them and you want us to get off your lawn!! Haha!!!

I am one of the people who enjoyed chill factor. Lol! Funny he seems to not like it. But yeah scream and chill factor is what I remember skeet for. Scream used to be my favorite scary movie all time. Then the strangers came along…well nothing wrong with 2nd place :-)

Maybe you the writer was slow to seeing and appreciating Mr. Yen. But like you said he has been doing his thing for a long time now. And I am happy to see him roles in huge Hollywood movies now. But the 2 of 3 IP man movies have been on Netflix for a long time. So chances are plenty of people knew Donnie. Netflix is

We just don't care enough as a whole. We have always buried our head in the sand on this issue. But someone has to keep trying to get the word out. So I appreciate them taking the time to make this film. Maybe one day we will wake up and fix our home