Yeah, of all the stories it’s eithee this or DQIII in my mind for what you’d want to adapt. I agree this looks like DQV.
Yeah, of all the stories it’s eithee this or DQIII in my mind for what you’d want to adapt. I agree this looks like DQV.
Nvmd, others pointed out its DQV. Awesome
God I understand this with Pokémon Go.
I’m sure there’s an interesting story here to dig up. When I first saw it I thought it was a reskin of another NES wrestling game, Pro Wrestling, which was a huge hit with my friends and I. But that doesn’t look right. This is far different looking on inspection than that game.
It feels like we’re in the twilight of the mobile golden age. I’ve been primarily using mobile as my go to for gaming as I just don’t have time to sit ensconced on my couch for 40-60 hours. And for years it’s been great. A lot of retro JRPG’s, some decent action RPG’s, a few interesting platformers, and even a…
This right here. Superman did kill Zod in the comics. “Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow” is considered one of the best Superman stories of all time and ends with a murder. Superman has killed, but it is only as a last resort and always results in j tense emotional pain and struggle for Superman. I can…
I’ve been really divided on that toy line. We bought almost every figure Infinity released, so we don’t need them as display pieces. And my kids remember the game, so buying these with no Infinity interaction will just make us all sad.
My son and I spent a lot of time on this game and built a lot of worlds. We even had a “lost” world that he’d over spawned Imperial Tie Fighters in to the point we’d get smashed as soon as we booted it up. It was an amazing game and we still have the figures on display throughout the house.
Oh yeah......
I dragged my friends to see it Thanksgiving Weekend. It was terrible. I’m enough of a sucker that I’ll usually try the others once they get to streaming, but in my mind the definitive franchise elements are the first three.
Business are in business to make money, not fan service. We all need to understand that. If you like it, keep it and cherish it and ignore what comes next. If they sequel annoys you, just ignore it.
For example: In my mind there’s only 3 Aliens movies period. The business may have made more, but I neither need them,…
There’s plenty of successful horror genre survival games on mobile now. I’d also add, if you just make a sequel to a game, you rarely grow the audience. And as I understand, Alien Isolation didn’t do that great in the first place.
Changing over to mobile gives you a very large set of new eyes on the game and a chance…
Meh. The video game industry has to grow and change. And the reality is there’s a lot more people with phones than people with dedicated video game systems, or dedicated gaming PCs.
Mobile is the format everyone is going to be paying attention to as it’s the most accessible. Everyone nowadays is carrying a smart phone, only limited amounts of people are buying consoles. Mobile has also become a retro players dream.
With all of the “State of...” will there be a mobile category? I know everyone looks down on mobile as a platform, but for the average person their smart phone is their gaming device.
The absence of that book here is disappointing. MTMTE and LL have been amazing and show what you can do with a listen see property.
It could be interesting, but the larger problem is this show should have ended a while back. And everyone wants to see Frank really and truly get his comeuppance.
You know, you want to feel bad for the board and the employees, but this feels like Enron all over again. Weinstein’s abuses were so numerous, and so well known that it is almost impossible to believe that anyone collecting a check from that company was 100% unaware of what was happening.
I’m with Mike here. I have the attention span, just not the time. I’m on a retro kick and have been playing a lot of older JRPGs on my phone that clock in at 20-30 hours. That takes close to a month, maybe a month and a half. Given I’m playing about 45 mins to an hour at a time, I need something a bit linear.
My own fevered brain. I’d thought the forces of destiny cartoon established Sabine survives. It doesn’t, it’s Hera who’s on Endor not Sabine. Sabine’s cartoon with Leia doesn’t happen in Endor. It’s set during Rebels. My mistake.