
I’m expecting a very bittersweet ending for this show. The crew manages to neutralize the threat of Thrawn and the Tie Defender project, but at a high cost. We know the show runners have said they won’t cover Rogue One. We know Hera, Chopper and the Ghost make it to Scariff. And we know Sabin makes it to Endor

I didn’t play Secret of Mana back when it came out, and as such my first experience with it was on the iOS. Which is... lacking. So I’m hopeful this is a good remake so I can try to understand the love this game gets.

FFVII and FFIX are both on mobile, with a mobile version of FFXV planned. And, I don’t know if you count it, but Final Fantasy Tactics: War of The Lions is on mobile (That’s the same generation as FFVII).

It’s also conspicuously missing from mobile, much like Dragon Quest VII. I wonder why?

I don’t know if “downgrade” is quite fair. I played it on a Super NES as FFIII myself and don’t recall the visuals blowing me away. FFII (Which was FFIV) felt like a huge upgrade visually back in the day, but it was also the first game on the new generation of software. Most of the graphics issues on FFVI’s port

Yeah, I really like the FFT:WotL port. That’s my current project on my phone. I’ve played it through a few times on my phone now.

I’ll probably try this out.

I played FFVI through this summer on an iPhone 6. It was fine. There were occasional background tiling issues, that’s it. I’ve read all the endless articles bashing the port’s aesthetics and I still don’t get it.

Final Fantasy V and VI are already available on mobile. I played through both this summer. FFV is a VERY good port. FFVI has a few graphics issues but I thought was otherwise well done.

Isn’t this just true to the genre? In most horror films there’s real tension about who is the killer. And yeah, we know Jason is the killer but now imagine on top of him you have to deal with a treacherous fellow survivor. That’s true horror.

In the VI vs. VII debate I’m clearly for VI. But I still find it amazing Squre put out two such amazing games back to back across different generations of hardware, both of which are so radically different in so many ways. It’s a testimony of how great the franchise has been.

This list seems really weird to me. Maybe it’s the bias in the readership?

As of right now, yes. Square Enix has updated all the mainline Final Fantasy entries along with Final Fantasy Dimensions. But Tactics hasn’t updated. That’s a shame because the iOS port is actually pretty good and because Tactics is one of the best games ever made. But it is looking more and more likely it will

Oh wow. Star Wars Legacy and the Knights of the Old Republic omnibuses are in here. Buy those if you have ever loved Star Wars.

Oh wow. Star Wars Legacy and the Knights of the Old Republic omnibuses are in here. Buy those if you have ever

I can’t recommend highly enough Annihilation Vol. 1,2,3. And if you like that, you can get the rest of the DnA for dirt cheap. Annihlation Conquest Vol 1,2, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1,2,3,4, Nova Vol 1-6, War of Kings (three graphic novels), Realm of Kings, and The Thanos Imperative.

I can’t recommend highly enough Annihilation Vol. 1,2,3. And if you like that, you can get the rest of the DnA for

This is...impressive, but ultimately why?

I do understand the business decision on this, but as a dad whose kids loved the game and the figures... it is a real bummer. We bought up nearly everything in the fire sale that happened when the games cancellation was announced and I have to say there wasn’t a bad figure in the bunch. My son and I still play in the

This is my favorite story of the day. Elections have consequences. A lot of folks who supported Trump are about to find that out the hard way.

I desperately do not want Magnus to win despite how much I like him. Losing him from Robert’s and Milne’s run would be devastating.

Bastion. In fact it’s the first game I thought of seeing this title.