Why would you accept free cupcakes from the girl who hates you because you routinely bully her? Seriously.
Why would you accept free cupcakes from the girl who hates you because you routinely bully her? Seriously.
I'll take both for $1
I can see this working in a place like a used PC store where you got to interact with the computer, but no laptop or desktop I've ever seen at a yard sale ever has cables and electricity hooked up.
You would be surprised how oblivious most people are. Most people treat computers as a single unit even though they are made up of separate, easily replaceable, modular parts. I once had someone give me a laptop for $5 at a yard sale "because the hard drive was too full". One simple OS re-install later and I had a…
The hardest thing for me is getting people to stick to their word. I put in all my time off requests at least 3 or 4 months ahead of time via email so that I have confirmation in writing when I am approved. Still, even with 3 or 4 months notice, and having sometimes up to 6 people granting approval, I get scheduled…
How to make your own butter: Step 1 - Buy butter ...wait what?
I'm excited to give the new firefox sync a try. I could never get FF sync to work correctly.
You can sign up, but you will still get "exempted mail" like local flyers, coupon books, and endless amounts of credit card pre-approvals, convenience checks, and fundraising mail. AKA, all the same junk mail you already get, because it's all exempt.
I'm just going out on a limb here, but if your company actively enacts measures and monitoring to trap you there, you don't want to be with them. It's like starting to date someone and having them sign an agreement to let you install spyware on their phone "so you can make sure they really want to stay"
I agree wholeheartedly. I don't really understand who these people are that stay extra at work because "eh whatever" I'm working on things. F that noise. I work with a lot of people who don't really seem to care or notice when it's time to go home and I just don't understand it whatsoever. We have shifts where a…
Disclaimer: This isn't so much disgusting, as it is about appearing disgusting.
OH GOD!!!! CHAIN LINK FENCE?! I didn't even witness this and the sentence itself is burned into my memory!!!
On the upside, now you know what to do if you ever want to scare neighbors away.
"I realized that cities are places where there aren't enough private spaces for all of the private things that people do. There aren't enough places to shit. There aren't enough places to do vomit." Seriously though, THIS.
I bet that's a sentence you never thought you would say
"...and destroyed at least 1,000 more pieces. Most were advertising circulars..." HOT D*MN MAKE HIM MY MAILMAN! Seriously, I would APPRECIATE it and be THANKFUL if my mailman stopped putting bullshit mail in my mailbox. It's so wasteful. I've signed up for every "stop junk mail" thing I can find, I've even put…
Typical University bullsh*t it sounds like to me. University belief = "All problems can be solved with more rules" When the rules don't work, and they get pressured, enact more rules and say "Look at all the effort we're taking!" Move on, rinse, repeat ad nauseam. Administrator gets tired of dealing with it, they…
This only works when the people who are trying to reach you don't all think that they're the most important thing in your life. If I did something like this at work, my phone would just ring off the hook. In my personal life too probably.
One thing I wish I had known before our wedding: the easy part is figuring out what you're going to do, and doing it. The hard part is trying to get everyone else to do what they're supposed to do, and show up for it. No one pays attention to anything these days. You can send out a step by step email to people…
You have a good point, although I'm mostly talking about backyard campfire use as opposed to camping, so I'm not so much worried about wildlife as I am with not throwing useful stuff away. Paraffin is a much better choice for camping.