
Actually no. What I failed to mention (on purpose, because I knew I would get these responses) was that I used to smoke too. I smoked a pack about every 2 days for my last year or 2 of college, then quit after graduation because I felt like it. It's all willpower.

"Like Star Wars, the Indiana Jones franchise has an extensive expanded universe."

"In this case, there was no significant change in anything less than 10 joint-years of use over a lifetime"

I'm so glad that Chuck got renewed for more seasons, especially after that stellar closer to season 2. it would have been the cock-block of a century if they killed Chuck after that.

We should simply drop a giant ice cube into the ocean every once in a while, thus solving the issue once and for all.

I think the most interesting part of this is what the opposite - cold temperature incubation - suggests. If the skinks are more intelligent when raised in warmer temperatures as opposed to cold, and the gender balance is better distributed, what would (evolutionarily speaking) drive the skinks to build cool

Probably one of the coolest and most memorable things I've ever seen in my life was Saturn with my own eyes through a very powerful observatory telescope. Seeing it hovering there with its little moons and beautiful rings slowly spinning in space made me feel smaller than ever before in my life. Just knowing it's

What a surprise. A bunch of these are media related technologies that would "kill the industry forever". And here we are, with music and movies still going strong.

You know what, I'm going to say something here that a lot of people are going to hate me for, but too bad.

VOTE: Interfacelift.com

Cell phone service is a collaborative monopoly. We simply accept that sending 1,000 txts a month for 20$ is 'a steal!!'. It's all a racket driven by the big cell phone players to create perceived value when really they're charging you ludicrous amounts of money to use a tightly controlled data slice of 1GB/month.

I highly recommend LastPass for anyone who is considering making a master password/strong cryptic passwords. LastPass can randomly generate long, cryptic string passwords when you are creating accounts and automatically saves them in your password 'vault.' As long as you can remember your master vault password, you

Good calories, Bad calories refers to health. @mkirkland is simply referring to weight loss. True, you may not be any healthier by eating whatever is set in front of you if just purely countign calories (in fact you would likely become LESS healthy) however, you WOULD still lose weight if you were intaking less than

Correct. As far as my understanding goes, meat tenderizer is intended (of course) to put on meats to tenderize them. This is done by breaking down some of the proteins in the meat to make them softer. When meat tenderizer (powder form works best) hits the jellyfish sting, it begins to break down the proteins in the

A couple things...

Use it when working with lots of hard drives inside computers! Yay!

Why would you like a steak well done? :( That's so sad :'(

I've never understood why it's bad to leave something plugged in if it's fully charged. I mean obviously, I know WHY it's bad, but what I mean is I don't understand WHY, in this day and age, the battery simply STOPS CHARGING when it's full. In laptops for example, we have every sort of power saving setting

Green Eggs and "Got-ham" ? No? lol

Why, of all the movies, would Phantom Menace be the one to come out in 3D first.... sigh. Start with the originals. They're the only ones that don't make you grit your teeth in desperation at the character depth.