
...not the kids in Soviet Russia...

On an interesting side note, my father used to make and sell lead fishing sinkers at 10 years old for cash by melting lead in the garage using blowtorches and pouring it into molds. My grandparents encouraged it because it gave him somethign to do, and he earned money. Nowadays, they would be arrested and he would

Agreed! I think the problem (like in other markets too) is that people have too many options. You take ordinary folks like my parents or college students, and the large majority of the time, they'll buy things based on what they can remember... Like headphones for example, someone might go hmmm, I need new

Thanks. That seems like handy info should I ever come across mushrooms that someone wants to cook up haha.

Kudos to you sir.


I've personally never experienced any Firefox instability, and I've been using it since 2005. What do you mean? Does it just crash on you or something?

You wouldn't happen to have a link to that info would you? I'm legit interested in how to tell the difference.

That's why there is the hate. It IS one of the greatest streaming music services, and it's cutting into label profits, so they need to take it down to retain their market. AKA sue it into oblivion.

Wow, you can get FAR better headphones in those price ranges than Beats by Dre or (probably) these 50cent phones.

Because they're NASA, and they're part of the government, so they're dicks because. Because what? Because. "We have 700 keyboards and mice we can't use from this batch of PCs we just go it, what do you want me to do with them? Throw them out. What? Why? Because I said so. Throw them out. But they can all be


Tron is very much a cult hit, that's for sure, and I actually really enjoyed King Kong... but the rest are spot on, and I never even heard of 'In Time' until just now.

Sometimes I wonder if we find early fiction stories and mis-interpret them haha.

Eventually these idiot studios will die out or wise up. It may be a long, slow fight that require their customers to resort to illegal methods just to get what they want to watch, but it will happen.

Just so that everyone is aware, Credit Karma is an excellent service for monitoring and being aware of your credit, but the "FICO Score" you get is NOT your true FICO score. The only place you can get your true FICO score is myfico.com, or directly from the agencies. All other credit monitoring service 'scores' are

Your first mistake is buying a car from a dealership.

I disagree. The SR-80i's are on-ear headphones. I hate those scratchy pads. Both the KRK 8400's and the M50's have around-the-ear padded cups which give excellent noise isolation and comfort.

For those of you who are looking for great headphones without the $400 price tag (though that IS an awesome price for Planar Magnetic's, as the author states) I would highly suggest both the Audio Technica ATH M50's or the KRK Systems KNS 8400's. Both are magnitudes better than any of those stupid 'Beats by Dre' or

Still $200 too expensive