
At least they didn't start 'roasting' when he turned it on... gotta love that crispy roach smell

Wait what...? A home-theater-in-a-box with a tube amplifier? That seems like the most pointless thing ever invented.... The only people who buy H.T.I.A.B.'s would never care about or notice a 'warmer' sound from vacuum tubes... who is possibly the target audience of this? Haha

You might be surprised. Netflix will scale its quality according to bandwidth. While this may not work out very well if a show starts streaming at a certain quality and can't buffer it fast enough, if one person in your home is streaming a movie, and you try to stream another one, a sort of 'mini bandwidth test'

I think the biggest way to stick to any resolution or change is not to focus on the actual goal, but the causes that get you there. It's sort of like Pwdrskir says in the comment beneath me: "focus on ONLY that day." Take your resolutions, and figure out the first step. Then focus on that step, and forget what you

I have a 17" touchscreen I built from a touchpanel off eBay. Simply get a fullscreen 15", 17" or 19" monitor, and pick up a transparent touchpanel online and overlay it overtop. I picked up mine for about $70, then duct taped it over the top of my monitor and cut a wood frame to fit over it and hide the tape. Looks

So... all of these require you to shell out additional money or strip the DRM/copy protection and play the disc in another video player... and companies wonder why people pirate things. If it's easier to pirate a copy of a disc I own than get it to play on my own equipment legally, you've sold me a broken product...

Hahaha ...hear hear

I completely disagree with this philosophy. Doing things right is far better than just doing them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Every issue in my workplace is caused because whoever originally put everything together, had someone riding their ass to get it done RIGHT NOW, instead of correctly. "I don't care if you have to

So you don't have a single song that you didn't buy, or... ?

Haha many people... people who don't want to deal with newsgroups. There's no reason to load a bunch of links into jdownloader and deal with stupid .rars and crap like that when you can click, wait, and watch with a torrent. Max bandwidth download with good seeds instead of paying for accounts on upload sites just

Agreed, and that is understandable. I'm just saying that if any online, non-internal site still utilizes point of sale software or anything of that nature that STILL only works with IE6.... they deserve any financial pain that's coming to them.

They'll be forced to update it, like they should have done proactively years ago. If, in 2011, their point of sale software is still only compatible with IE6, they're just plain lazy, and deserve any missed profits and issues they get.

Well you've got to store it all somewhere.... the cloud isn't made of magic.

This is the type of casual mistake that eventually leads to robot overlords... !

The only one I am going to disagree with here is Myth #6 - that listening to classical music turns babies into geniuses. Now I am not going to say that listening to classical music does this, HOWEVER, it is extremely important for babies and growing children to receive mental, visual, and audio stimulation to develop

With spinners!!!

What the hell does the FDA have to do with condom sizes. We already have condoms, why can't they be sold in different sizes? Why does a smaller or larger size need to be 'approved' by the FDA. Ridiculous

That's still just as bad on a 10,000 Watt system...

That's great to hear, but I would venture to say that your experience is an exception as opposed to the standard. Sometimes it can work out, and I'm glad it did for you, but in general, it will always be more worth your time to network.

This makes me wonder how much a system like this could be 'gamed'. For example, what ifsomeone added an extra page to their resume, full of white text key words? A white text page would be invisible when printing out the resume (would be a blank white page, look like an extra printer spit-out) but might get you past