

...but they aren't allowed to actually call it Scotch if it's not a scotch whisky FROM Scotland, right? RIGHT?! :'(

"Slaughter now lives in foster care, and her father, who hit her in the mouth, is dead."

Now that's my kind of woman. Smart, beautiful, and familiar with explosives.

I completely disagree with you... more streaming services are EXACTLY what we need... at the very least, this will encourage and stimulate competition. This shows that the streaming market is growing, and we need as many companies and entities as possible on that bandwagon for it to become widely adopted. I say the

Yay!! 10,000 Watts of 180kbps mp3's!!! -.-

Does anyone else find it incredibly sad that pretty much all of these come from only 2 news sources? :(

"Stripping human oversight from a nuclear reactor doesn't sound like a lesson learned."

Haha no actually, it was a pretty good one, and I definitely see your point. I just dread the inevitable questions by all extended family members about "where the rest of their gee-bee's went." Sigh

I suppose. All I'm saying is that if all manufacturers advertised drives as their actual formatted capacities, everyone would be on the same page, and a lot of people wouldn't be confused. In my mind, you can't educate everyone, so it would be better to just be truthful instead of artificially inflating numbers -

Hmm... true. I guess I didn't look at it in that light.

I know this is a mostly un-related mini rant, but I just wanted to say how disappointed I am that with the gradual transition to SSD's, manufacturers are still advertising drives based on decimal sizes as opposed to actual binary size.

So am I to understand that they don't test for these diseases when receiving/reviewing a donor organ? Because it certainly seems to me that this would be a more prudent use of resources than say.... DENYING HALF YOUR DONORS

I vote Basestar... I mean look at the elongated top and bottom meeting at the narrow center!

It reminds me of those ridiculous sniper bullets from 'Wanted'

I completely agree with all your points. As someone who enjoys shooting at the range on weekends when I get the chance, it definitely seems to me that this design introduces far more cons than it does pros.

I completely agree. The inability to drag and drop mp3s to an iPod, or plug it into another computer and see your music like a thumb drive turned me completely off to all Apple portable media products years ago.

When you've had 90+ degree weather for a month or more straight (*cough* Florida *cough*) 78 degrees feels like a nice cool fall day! ..Same philosophy as when it hits 65 degrees in the north, and everyone breaks out the bathing suits and heads to the beach haha. It's all relative.

I completely agree!! The Logitech MX Revolution mouse is one of the best things I've ever bought in my life!! Over the years, it has completely changed how I use my computer, and I can accomplish so much more with clicks that switch windows between screens, adjust the volume, flip through documents, etc. Best mouse

I'm waiting for Haswell! :D I'm still using my trusty, OC'ed to 3.4GHz, Quad-Core Q9550. Love it.