
Just as a side note for whoever may be reading this... Never, and I repeat, NEVER, take any sort of pain reliever/medicine that has Acetaminophen in it before you go to bed after a night of drinking to prevent a hangover the next day. (Most notably Tylenol, Excedrin, Midol, Nyquil, Robitussin, etc.)

Yes!! Pendulum!!

I still think the creepiest commercial ever run on TV was that PS3 commercial with the crying baby who levitates the PS3. Nightmares.

Agreed. For those of you who don't know what he's talking about, USAA refunds up to 10 ATM withdrawal fees a month. Period. No limit. I've never paid an ATM fee in my entire life.

I don't understand... what was wrong with the guy? Why would you stop talking to him or lose interest because he has something he's passionate about in his life? This is so incredibly shallow and typical of 99% of the people I meet, that it just makes me disgusted.

If only we could fix a few key things/bugs/issues in Sim City 4, it would be the perfect city sim in my opinion... I've been happily modding SC4 for years, yet there is still no real solution to endless commuters, region demand, and the garbage/waste system... :(

Yup. I lost interest the moment I had to create an account.

I once created an entire elaborate, listed rules and objectives, totally awesome paintball game with my buddies in my old hometown. To summarize, teams of 2 people (one gun per team like a sniper/spotter combo) were racing to find a campfire (the objective) in a 4 square mile forest on the outskirts of town. There

"I'm surprised the damn monster bug didn't bite off his finger."

Because inevitably, life includes being offended. Everything can not always be sunny fields and peaches... True, it should be a goal to not offend others, but say for example, someone keeps showing up at work on 2 hours of sleep. If you talk to them once or twice about it in a nice way, and it keeps happening,

There was a 60 minutes episode a while back that was all about explaining bittorent and how it relates to piracy and... how it supports drug cartels. It was completely ludicrous, and the ridiculous explanations of things like 'CamRips' and 'Screeners' was so terrible, it was painful to watch. There is a very large

Sadly, yes

True, but my main concern is speed I guess. I can solidly max out my bandwidth as it stands now, so if using a service like torrentprivacy or btguard halves all my speeds, I'd probably not even want to try...

General opinion question - would it be better to use a full VPN instead? Or is it not worth the hassle, and you should just use BTGuard or a similar service?

Thank you notes for bringing gifts or food to parties/potlucks....

This created an interesting phenomenon at my school, where the clock would occasionally magically 'slide' forward or backwards (visibly) a few minutes. I remember thinking one day, 'This is literally the longest day ever' and looking up at the clock. As I did, it started to move backwards. I thought I was

Whatever you do, don't use the warming sensation KY stuff. THAT SH*T IS FIRE.

Yet there's still no simple, built in way to lock the audio to a certain level so it can't be changed by accidental key presses.

But you do have a place forcing them to do otherwise, in a sense. You're right, and I don't think that flat-out deception is a solution, but if they refuse to use the browser or programs I highly recommend, don't expect free tech support to fix the problems I already showed you how to avoid.

Agreed. I wish he taught every class I ever took haha