
You know, I know this is going to set off a whole slew of rapid-fire angry comments, but as much as I agree that peaceful protests and gatherings have their place, and protesters need to feel safe while they are doing so, when you do not comply with the repeated requests of people in authoritative positions, you

In my experience, I don't think that it's a difference of intelligences or that women or men are worse at math. I just think that in general, women have less interest in the subject matter. And over time, a lack of interest in something means you know less about it than everyone else.

And not to mention happier

"I'm assuming you're referring to terrorism or Iran or something like that. Terrorists have no military aircraft, hence, we have no need for F-22s."

Because lives aren't protected by societies. For every great society, there is a group who will try to take it away.

I'm tired of the blatant military bashing on Gizmodo. The F-22 is an extremely advanced warplane that took many years to develop, and now that it's out, there are issues that still need work. It's like everything in life - it takes a long time to pefect. It doesn't mean it's a waste of money. Buying "74 iMacs for

How exactly does one 'break' a penis hahah

The real point of this post is to convince you to name your future children Ashley, Bailey, or Michael.

Who does upgrades as opposed to a fresh install anyway? I would never 'upgrade' from 7 to 8 - I would buy 8 and install it fresh and copy files.

Honestly, I use Craigslist for almost everything. With enough patience, all you do is post what you're selling, and wait for someone willing to pay the price and come pick it up. Straightforward and simple. The only things I sell on eBay and Amazon are the bigger ticket commodity items, like graphics cards or

Agreed. Googling as soon as I'm home haha

"...is quite harmless and actually shaped after a seal. And everybody loves seals, right?"

Agreed. At my old place, I had neighbors who would always complain if I was playing music. Always. It didn't matter if it was the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday, they always complained about the music being too loud. The complex owner eventually got so fed up with people calling the main office, that they

"There is a general rule and it's called 3-5 feet, noise past that level is TOO loud."

"If so, that's seems amazing and something cable networks would be locking down and/or suing microsoft over."

Wait... $50? I bought something exactly like this several years ago off of Woot! for $20...


I still use AIM, I always have. Not in AIM though, through Digsby. Maybe that's just me? haha

Not awesome. That's like saying QUIT COMPUTERS!! GIVE THEM THE FINGER!!! Because you got a virus one time. It's quite the over-reaction. There's no reason to hate Facebook just because it's Facebook. Some people (EG: me) blocked all those stupid apps like Farmville long ago, and actually quite enjoy keeping in