
Contrary to your belief, and the condescending, corrective tone in which you are speaking to me, your opinion is not the be-all-end-all in audio visual.

Not really. Unfortunately Intel doesn't really do that. Case in point, I built a Q9550 Quad Core PC in 2008. The CPU was about $265 when I bought it if I remember correctly. When last I checked, right before Newegg stopped selling it a short while ago, it had gone UP in price.

Hmmm, ok, thanks. I'll have to check those out.

"Doing "transcodes and encodes" of your BluRays is largely pointless. The content is already going to be in H264 format, or VC-1 which has similar compression efficiency, meaning you're going from 1080p H264 to 1080p H264 and doing nothing but losing quality and wasting a bunch of CPU in the process. Unless you're

True. I guess the general lesson is just to save as much as possible, ha. It would be nice to have a "general rule" equation backed by some financial knowledge and calculation to go by though.

All of the x264 GPU encoding I've seen, researched, or tried has been inferior quality, without any of the fine-grain options for encodes like in Handbrake. If you know of a top notch quality x264 encoder which can utilize GPUs, please, let me know so I can try it.

Well my logic goes that instead of having a pair of CPU's, which more often than not requires more $ for a dual socket board, I could use a single socket 16 Core CPU, and run multiple versions of Handbrake on it. Even if this CPU does better with integer units, running 3 or 4 separate encodes at the same time seems

Actually, awesomely enough, this might be exactly for me!! I want to build a dedicated video encoding machine, and with 16 cores, I could run at least 2 instances of Handbrake at full bore at a time! :D

And as a side note, the other commenters are spot on about picking a good case. A good case makes all the difference. I would highly recommend the Antec 900 or 1200 case, depending on how many GPU's and hard drives you plan on installing.

The most important aspect of any computer you build is generally the CPU - more specifically, the CPU socket. The CPU is more than likely your most expensive piece in the computer, and it is what you will have to base all of your upgrades around. Motherboard is next most important. Get a good motherboard with a

I must be calculating this wrong... I'm 25, and I make 57k a year... so:

It was the price that killed the Revue, let's be honest. Logitech's target market was people like my parents, who know enough about the internet to know they can get cool things from it, and stream things, but wouldn't want to put together or use a 'computer' to do it. $300 though, is way too expensive for an

Are they hiring R. Kelly as a spokesman? Haha

The sad part is that I completely forgot that today was a nation-wide test of the emergency alert system until I saw this post. That other Gizmodo article

I really wish Firefox would just implement an auto-updates-in-the-background deal if they're going to have a much faster release cycle like this. I love Firefox, but all this does without an invisible updater is annoy people.

I'm glad someone else brought this up haha. I've been editing a large movie collection in Ember Media Manager for the past month or two, and I noticed the same thing... it's crazy how much alike the posters are! Same with 'tilted reality' movie posters! (Where everything is slanted to the left or right and things

I'm commenting on this due to the hilarity of the article picture hahaha.... for some reason it cracks me up so badly. I think I'm going to blow it up for a desktop background hahaha

Just because this is a music exploration topic, I would like to offer up several of my favorite albums for you all to enjoy and explore.

You know what? After reading this, I'm going to investigate the feasibility of hooking together a couple small solar panels on the outside of my house, and running wires through the wall into my bedroom to set up a permanent charging station. True, they might not output much, but if I can charge all my portable

As long as she changes gloves first.